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Greek Mythology





New myths created by the 4th, 5th and 6th Grade Venture students.





           Muse of Comedy


The Kidnapped Baby by 4th Grade: Gia, Eddie, Sean, Becky, Cassey, Nick R.


Quest for the Widow’s Twins by 4th Grade:  Amy, Nick R., Nick D., Dylan, Leah, Maung, Kristen, Eric, Trevor



Horseplay by 5th Grade:  Anna, George, Rick, Ally, and Justin



Diane’s Quest by 6th Grade:  by Brett, Ryan S., Mike, Anessa and Kayla





 This is an open ended activity in which Venture students continue to extend their creativity. Their goal is to use their knowledge of Greek mythology in new ways.  An additional goal is to use new technology to communicate ideas. Venture students are extending the use of Powerpoint to create their own images, animations and sounds.   This has resulted in some myths needing additional edits and navigation buttons.  You must have Microsoft Powerpoint to view the presentations.  Be patient if your computer needs extra time to enable the powerpoint program. Be sure to click each screen several times to experience the animation and sound.





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