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Email from Peru to Jordan Road School: Ancash

Hi Steffanie,
it’s me again , your Peruvian Friend Martha. Im happy today because this afternoon I have a party . One of my friends,she is called as you Stefanie is celebrating her birthday. I wish it would be fine .

What about you?, Have you received another mail that was about Ancash? I hope so. Well, this week I was looking for some information about Ancash wonders. Ifound much and I think all was interesting , so I prepared a summmary for you.

In Ancash there are so many beautiful places like Pastoruri. It is famous for its easy access to the snow. Tourists, Peruvian and foreigners, always go to Pastoruri to play and go skiing or snowboarding. The actual mountain 'Pastoruri' has a height of 5,240 meters and you can drive a car (or by bus) to 4,800 meters (in about three hours from Huaraz). In one hour you can easily walk to the top of the mountain without any special equipment (perhaps good shoes for snow). There are many agencies in Huaraz that run daily tours to Pastoruri (very popular among Peruviansz). Every year there is a skiing championship (snowboards as well) in the month of June and participants from the local rescue forces as well as international contenders compete for the title. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chavin de Huantar Llanganuco lagoon

(an old culture that

is part of our heritage)

Created by Mrs R for our keypals