Letter to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
April 21, 2000

This letter was sent on Monday, April 24, 2000 via Priority Mail Global Guaranteed at a cost of $31.00. Its mailing label is EWO18778921US. It should have reached its destination on Wednesday, April 26. It has prompted no acknowledgment, response, or action.

Priority Mail Global Guaranteed

Extremely Urgent!

76 Market Street, Apt. D5
Perth Amboy, NJ 08861-4445
United States of America
21 April, 2000

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10

Subject: Unacknowledged, unprocessed, unresolved complaints. Situation desperate.


On 31 October, 1991, I mailed, from the post office in Allerød, Denmark, a complaint against Denmark and the Netherlands to the Committee Against Torture (copy enclosed). My communication of 20 March, 1997, mailed from the United States, restated, reaffirmed and updated this complaint. A new, signed original of that communication is enclosed.

On 4 November, 1991, I mailed, from Allerød, Denmark, a complaint against Denmark to the Human Rights Committee (copy enclosed). My communication of 9 March, 1996, mailed from the United States, likewise restated, reaffirmed and updated this complaint. A new, signed original of that communication is enclosed.

On 11 March, 1996, I mailed, from the United States, a complaint against the Netherlands to the Human Rights Committee. A new, signed original is enclosed. These and other texts are available on my web site at https://www.angelfire.com/nj/jhgraf/otherint.html.

As the enclosed "Summary of JH Graf's Contacts with United Nations" indicates, I have not been able to obtain any information regarding the reception, admissibility, or processing of these communications. The letter dated 31 May, 1999, ostensibly from the Committee Against Torture, provides no information. I believe it may be a forgery, signed by an aide to my US Congressman, Robert Menendez. An international conspiracy appears to have obstructed justice in these matters.

The Danish Government claims to have no knowledge of my 1991 complaints. In fact, my letter of 9 November, 1991 to Minister of Justice Hans Viggo Jensen clearly informed him of these communications.

On 4 December, 1991, moreover, I supplied copies of these complaints to the police at Sandholm Refugee Camp in Birkerød, Denmark. Ms. Susanne Jensen, ka. noted these in her report of that date (copy enclosed):

"Fortsat samme dag.

"Vedr. de 2 skrivelser, nævnt side 4, insisterer omh. Udlænding på, at de bliver forelagt for JM, uagtet inholdet er det samme, som JM i sin skrivelse af d. 221191 afslår at give omh. udlænding opholdstilladelse på. Han mener, at det gør en forskel, at det er breve, som han har sendt til Forenede Nationer i Schweiz og at inholdet vil interessere pressen, dersom de danske myndigheder ikke forholde sig til oplysningerne.

"JM.s 2 kt. v./ Birthe Rasmussen kontaktet. Omtalte 2 skrivelser, dateret henholdsvis d. 311091 og d. 041191 afsendt pr. Telefax, tillige med kopi af nærværende rapport.

"Omh. udlænding gjort bekendt hermed. Han ønsker kopi af nærværende rapport.


"Tilsagt til fremmøde i morgen d. 05 12 01 kl. 09.00.

Susanne Jensen

Pursuant to my request under the federal Privacy Act, the United States Department of State has sent me a most significant document relating to my expulsion from Denmark on 19 December, 1991. It appears that Danish officials slanderously characterized me as "apparently deranged" and "hospitalized," while conveniently neglecting to note that I had sought political asylum.

The State Department has not yet acknowledged my request for amendment of this document, dated 1 March, 2000. The postal receipt pertaining to that request appeared in my mailbox on 22 March, without postmark, date, or signature, but bearing the shoe-print of some person who had stepped on it. The postal receipt representing my letter to the Human Rights Committee dated 7 March, 2000 has not yet returned to me, nor has the Royal Danish Embassy seen fit to reply to my letter of 2 March, 2000.

I am correct in describing myself as a "prisoner of conscience" in the USA, "confined to a village" by malicious bio-chemical attacks upon my physical health and deliberate withholding of appropriate, effective medical treatment. I am subjected as well to mental torture by means of electromagnetic weapons. I respectfully call to your attention that the "understandings" imposed by the US Senate in its ratification of the Convention Against Torture provide convenient loopholes for precisely these and other forms of torture and cruelty.

There is no excuse for any European State ever to have subjected me to refoulement. There is no reason for the United Nations to have permitted this sickening, inhuman corruption. This outrageous circumstance must come to an end without further delay.

In the name of humanity, I beg you to insist that the Committee Against Torture take up this matter at its upcoming session, which begins 1 May, 2000.

The re-convening of the Human Rights Committee for the purpose of processing my complaints and calling a halt would likewise save my life and many others.

Rescue is the appropriate paradigm. The time is now!

Yours truly,
original signed)

James Henry Graf
76 Market Street, Apt. D5
Perth Amboy, NJ 08861-4445
United States of America
Phone 732-324-7467
E-Mail: jhgraf2@earthlink.net or jhgraf_@excite.com
Web site: https://www.angelfire.com/nj/jhgraf


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