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Jack Epstein's COMMENTARY on Wrestling

February 15, 2001.

Its been a while since I've written an article on wrestling. Considering the fact that ECW has died, WCW is about to temporarily shutdown, the WWF is too busy promoting the XFL instead of wrestling, and that puroresu isn't as good as it used to be, I really don't have much love for the business lately. Well, I attended last night's RAW tapings in New Jersey, so lets start this commentary with my thought's on the show.

The last time I attended a wrestling show was back last summer when Smackdown came to Jersey. In all fairness, it was the worst show I ever attended. Last night was only a little bit better. I have no clue if its the New Jersey crowd, or the lack of a rivoting product, but the WWF stunk up the Continental Airlines Arena last night.

Well, the WWF is turning its back on its old philosophy of "Voice your opinion on signs." It seems now, that you will have your sign confiscated if you don't have Rocky Rules, or Austin 3:16 written all over them. Needless to say, our double sided sign with "J.R.'s BBQ Sauce gave me herpes" and "XFL Sucks" was confiscated by the ever-intimidating Meadowlands security (a 70 year old man).

The show itself was mediocre at best. The only highlight was watching the arena markout for Kaientai (Funaki's "INDEED" is insanely over). But, as always, the NJ crowd falls asleep during every match. And boy, the crowd was one of the most suspicious ones I've seen in years. Way too many drunk overweight rednecks for my tastes. I almost killed this drunk guy for blowing into Kelly's (my girlfriend) ear, but in hindsight, it was better that Kelly told me not to lay a finger on him. I mean, I was enjoying this show and didn't want to get thrown out, right?

Anyways, the show was a disappointment. If I have one piece of advice to give all of you, it is... Only attend PPVs. TV has maybe 10 minutes of total wrestling, many commercial breaks, and too many interviews... and no fast forward button.

Okay, now lets discuss the current product.........

The WWF is completely stagnant. We need a shocking heel turn, a new stable, or something... but whatever we've got, it ain't good. Aside from Austin and HHH, there are no hyped programs between any wrestlers. Too many dropped angles for my tastes. Eddy Guerrero returns, attacks Jericho, gets a match with him, and the entire heat gets diverted to X-Pac? Thats horrible booking. Right now, we're sitting back just waiting for the next Big Show heel/face turn, Kane/UT breaking up and feuding, and all that other fun stuff. Too many talented workers are in limbo, and as a result, have to take a backseat to HHH/Austin/Rocky. I mean, Kurt Angle is the most underpushed WWF champ since.... um.... ever? Benoit goes from maineventer to nobody in a few months. Everybody is just *there*. Thats why the Royal Rumble was such a bust.

I caught the XFL on television, and you know what, its horrible. I watch football for the action, not to hear interviews, see camera shots of ugly cheerleaders with hot bodies, or the constant $hilling of the announcers. And yes folks, we should all want the XFL to fail. Once it fails, the WWF might put its focus back on the wrestling product.

Okay, onto WCW now. After a few months of Crash TV, its kinda enjoyable to watch the spotty cruiserweights get a chance (I miss Malenko and Ultimo's psychology, but this is better than nothing). Unfortunately, theres still too many undeserving people in the upper card (Rick Steiner, Animal, Kronik, and others). The mass firing of WCW-women was an odd decision move, especially considering that Daffney was one of the most interesting characters we've seen in years. WCW needs to dangle some money in front of some WWFers in an attempt to steal some viewers, much like they did back in 1996. But overall, now that ECW is outta business, and the WWF is promoting third-rate football, WCW should return to its roots and focus on less entertainment and more wrestling. Nobody wants to see WWF Lite (WCW), instead, they want to be watching something they can't watch elsewhere.

ECW is dead. Part of me just wants to laugh at people like Jeff Jones and Francine, those who I had beef with because they thought they were so high and mighty because they were ECW employees (who obviously are unable to get work elsewhere). But, the loss of ECW is bad for the business overall. But it all stems from mismanagement. Paul Heyman was too quick to push those who seem to lack the basic fundamental skills needed to survive in the business. Guys like Justin Credible and Rhino don't have "it." They rely on cussing, others to take their bumps for them, and biased booking to survive (much like TAZ). ECW lost its original philosophy of being the "alternative" to the Big 2. Thats why guys like Benoit, 2 Cold, Guerrero, Malenko, Raven, and others were able to cut loose and do their thing. But once PPV hit, ECW lost their way, and overbooked everything to death. How many PPVs started off with those jobber brawls, followed by Jazz beating someone up? How many shows included the DUDs enciting riots? Since the fall of 1997, with for a few exceptions like Tajiri, Crazy, Corino, and Lynn, its been "ECW Paint by numbers".

I'd have to be a complete asshole to say that I'm happy about ECW's demise. They were a major reason why I became a bigger fan, and I will always remember them for that.

Thats about it for today. Hannibal was one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life (I was not expecting Silence of the Lambs, but I was also not expecting a dumbed-down "Hollywood" type movie). So far, the best film of the year is definitely Snatch. Go see it now. And lastly, only 2 more episodes left in this season's OZ. Regardless of the over-the-top storylines that have plagued the show as of late, its still better than anything else on television.

Jack Epstein

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