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This section is dedicated to those special moments in RSPW history where I created controversy
or some wrestling personalities cussed me off! Its a very funny read, and I hope you all learn a little something
about Jack Epstein... your bestest pal in the entire world! In addition to insults, I am also adding those special
moments where people in the biz put me over (they obviously don't know me that well!)

This is a clip from an interview conducted with Mick Foley by my buddy, Panama Jack Capri. FYI, I am the
creator of the Foley FAQ... Often imitated, but never quite duplicated! ;)

PJ-The Foley FAQ
MF-Yeah...There was stuff in there about me that I could barely remember... It was astonishing
that someone would go through so much trouble to keep people informed about my career. It
was truly flattering to see that someone is entertained that much at what I do.. It really makes the
sacrafices I try to make well worth it.
--- Mick Foley (

Here is a clip of a conversation I had with Mick Foley

"I have been to your website and was speachless.
I really mean it when I say thank you for the tribute." --- Mick Foley 1/18/99

Wrestling Author, David Hofstede, thanks me for my work in SLAMMIN'

"Special Thanks to Jack Epstein for his comments, criticsm, and expertse, particularly
on the international wrestling scene."

The Parigon of Virtue, Chris Jericho puts me over in his webpage commentary. C'mon Baby!

"I'd like to thank all of you guys for the cards and letters for Christmas and remember,
if you're waiting for a picture, it's coming. It takes me a long time to do it, because I mail
them all myself. Thanks to Tom Galen and Jack Epstein for the cool videos!"
--- Chris Jericho ( 1/23/99

This is a response to one of my most controversial posts ever in RSPW. Can you feel the love? ;)

Subject: Re: Shane Douglas is a whining bitch..... anybody agree?
From: (Francine Fournier)
Date: 1998/05/10

In response to Jack's witty posting about Shane I have two words for you
- "FUCK YOU!!!" First of all, he does not do drugs. The guy doesn't
even like taking asprin. How the fuck do you know anything about him. Do
you know him like I do? NO! Now I can't bitch about you commenting on
his workrate because an opinion is like an asshole, everyone's got one.
Doesn't mean your right, I totally disagree. But don't even go saying
he's a coke head without even knowing. All you are is an ignorant
fucking mark who post here and tries to look important. Get over
yourself and show some respect for a guy who with a broken palet, a
broken cheekbone and a bum arm goes out and gives his best for you the fans.


Here is an e-mail I recieved from ECW referee Jeff Jones. What the f*ck is he talking about?

From: (Jeffrey Jones)
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 17:58:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Fwd: question

if you continue to have your friends send shitty emails to me i will
press harassment charges against you. got it.

ECW Referee Jeff Jones

>Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 15:32:48 -0400
>Message-Id: <>
>Subject: question
>listen up fat fucker, my man, jack is not gay. you'd be lucky to get with your
>hand so fuck you!

This is a response to my post about the shitty quality of ECW's PPVs since Barely Legal

Subject: Re: ECW PPVs..... What the hell happened?
From: (Jeffrey Jones)
Date: 1998/03/17

To quote Tracy Smothers "You all can eat shit and die."
You idiots don't have clue one. You all think you are so smart when in
reality you are all dumber then dog shit. I have said it before and I
will say it again. Until you people get in the ring and do what we do
keep your useless statements to yourself.

ECW Referee Jeff Jones

Join the millions of Jack Epstein fans by bringing a sign to a televised
wrestling event. Jack Epstein signs can be seen at the following events...

In Your House: Canadian Stampede (during the end of the TAKA/Sasuke match)
Wrestling With Shadows: The Bret Hart Documentary (Within the first 2 minutes)
Royal Rumble 1999 (during every match)

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