Insane Jungle

NEW URL for the Jungle!!!

Welcome to my jungle...there is so much new I don't know where to tell you to begin exploring. The Jungle has been down for some time now, but it is back! I have so much work to do. I also have a new page for you to check out. The URL is you will find my artwork there. Lots of new links...check out the table of contents. Look for secret "rooms". Cool games and gizmos at the Kat Box.

NEW GUESTBOOK:::: View My SlamBook! | Sign My SlamBook!::::Leave your stain upon my page.

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Pictures of Me has the latest trend jewelry

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I bet Dillon never thought I would say that! ~L~

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~This page created by: Maggie Molisee~

This Shitty Chat Kiddie Ring site is owned by moonkat .

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Special thanks to:

  • Jizzy...for saying, Why don't you have a homepage? and, It's easy, all you have to do is...
  • Dillon...for donating artwork and giving advice and for keeping me company while i work on it...
  • Chris...for helping me with HTML and for scanning pictures...
  • All my friends who have lent a hand or advice...I love you all!
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The Ring of the Moon

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Old counter was at 1000.
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Here is a little gnosticism for anyone who is interested:

Monoimus said: ''Abandon the search for God and the creation and other matters of a simular sort.
Look for him by taking yourself as the starting point. Learn who it is within you who makes
everything his own and says 'My God, my mind, my thought, my soul, my body.' Learn the sources
of sorrow, joy, love, hate...If you carefully investigate these matters you will find him in yourself.''

Jesus said: ''If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.''
--Gospel of Thomas 45:29-33

''For I am the first and the last
I am the honored one and the scorned one
I am the whore and the holy one
I am the wife and the virgin...
I am the barren one, and many are her sons...
I am silence that is incomprehensible...
I am the utterance of my name.''
--Thunder, Perfect Mind 13:16-14:15

Blessed be.