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2000 Howell Elks Hoop Shoot &
Soccer Shoot Awards Dinner – 2/6/2000
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On Sunday, February 6, 2000, the annual Hoop Shoot and Soccer Shoot Awards Dinner was held to honor the winners of the competitions. Seventy-five guests and volunteers attended the dinner, by far the best turnout in recent years. Thanks to all who attended; we hope you had as good a time as we did.

Unfortunately, the awards, Fleece Pullovers with the Hoop Shoot or Soccer Shoot emblem, were lost in transit. Thankfully, The Letterman donated sweatshirts so we had something to award the children until the official awards arrived. Special thanks go to Rose and The Letterman for this kind gesture. We are pleased to announce the pullovers did arrive and arrangements are being made to deliver them to the kids.

Paul Zulin, Hoop Shoot Chairman, introduced and thanked the Hoop Shoot Committee: Kathy Zulin, Candy and Ken Chittick, Debbie Sexton, Austin McCabe, Bill Gray, Jim and Connie Cantwell, Jimmy Cantwell, Bob Lawson, Bob Andrews, Pete Schott, and Dave and Darlene Gusk. Thanks to Denis DelPome, Howell Recreation Basketball Director, and the Howell Board of Education for their help in running the Hoop Shoot.

Hoop Shoot Awards were presented to the winners:

Age Group




Michelle Blum Sean Hiller

10 –11

Erica Gusk Stephen LaFalce


Kristina Iacovino John LaFalce III

Special congratulations to Michelle Blum, who continued on in the Hoop Shoot Competition to win the districts and finish in 5th place in the NJ State competition, making 16 of 25 shots.

Pete Schott, Soccer Shoot Chairman, introduced and thanked the Soccer Shoot Committee: ER Bob and Linda Lutkiewicz, George and Pat Adams, Bill and Patty Gray, Debbie, Meagan, and Kelly Sexton, Charlie Smith, Greg Gusk, Nick Tsoukalis, Bob Lawson, Dave, Darlene, Nicole, and Erica Gusk. Special thanks to Kathy Schott and most important to Kelly Schott who kept things moving along throughout the building and painting of the goals. Thanks to Jeff Tennant and Section XV for always being ready to supply the committee with required parts for the goals.

Pete introduced the Pinelanders Youth Soccer League officers attending the dinner: President Ken Kinelski, Commissioner Tom Brandli, Secretary Eric Hlava and Head of Grounds Gary Edinger. Thanks to the Pinelanders for volunteering their time and the great hospitality afforded us during the event.

Soccer Shoot awards were presented to the winners:

Age Group



7 and Under Amanda Ferraro
Also District 1st Place winner
Dylan Tucker
Also District 1st Place winner
8 – 9 Jackie Fuhrer Daniel Cox
10 - 11 Lindsey Mount
Also District 3rd Place winner
Chris Marciniak
12 - 13 Ashley Becker
Also District 2nd Place winner
Peter Edinger

Exalter Ruler Bob closed the ceremonies by presenting Ken Kinelski, Pinelanders President, with a donation of $500.

The Soccer Shoots in 2000 will be held Saturdays, April 8th at Oak Glen Park for the Howell Soccer Club and April 29th at the Pinelanders field for the Pinelanders Youth Soccer Club.

Thanks to the kitchen crew, Ken and Candy Chittick, Paul and Kathy Zulin, Debbie and Tim Sexton, Austin McCabe, and Charlie Smith, for a job well done. Also, thanks to Joe Mellilo for donating the stuffed shells.

Finally, the annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held Sunday April 16th starting at 2:00PM at the Lodge. Anyone interesting in helping or who has questions, please contact Pete Schott, Youth Acitivities Chairman.