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Youth Activities Report - 2000 Spring Soccer Shoot (click here for pictures)

On April 29th, the Howell Elks Youth Activities Committee sponsored the Spring 2000 Local Elks Soccer Shoot Competition open to all boys and girls through the age of 13.     The shoot was held at the Howell Pinelanders Youth Soccer Club Fields from 9:00 A.M. through 1:00 P.M.  This year's turnout was one of the best yet with approximately 140 kids in the 4 age groups competing.  We are currently in the process of scheduling the fall Shoot Out with the Howell Soccer Club.  The first place winners in each age group will go on to the Elks District Shoot in the fall.   The winners will be announced shortly after the fall shoot out is completed.

I want to thank Ken Kinelski, President of the Pinelanders Youth Soccer Club and his volunteers for making this event a success; it is really a pleasure to work with them.  The Pinelanders always treat us with the best hospitality.

Thanks also to all the Elks and the other helpers who volunteered their time and services in making this a success, including ER Ken and Candy Chittick, PER Bob and Linda Lutkiewicz, Bill and Patty Gray, Gene and Sue Pilot, Debbie Sexton, Nick Semersky, Bob Lawson, Tom Blum, Nick Tsoukalis, and my wife, Kathy.   Special thanks to our young ball chasers and goal keepers, the 2 Kelly's, Sexton, and Schott along with James Schott who made his ball chasing debut this year.  Very special thanks Austin McCabe for solicting the donation of the letters for the kick board and for supervising the lettering of the kick board with the utmost of precision.  Well, except for the one crooked 5. 

Again, thanks to all the volunteers, with out we would not be able to do any of the Community and Youth related events we do.  I am looking forward to working with you on the other activities planned throughout the year.

Pete Schott
Howell Elks Youth Activities Chairman.