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Convention Report - Saturday

Saturday, June 23rd

I am a creature of habit. Despite the fact that I was up late the night before and I was on vacation, I woke up sometime around seven. I quietly read the fanfiction I'd brought until the other girls got up. We talked and got dressed and looked at the view from our window. Unfortunantly, it clouded over some time after we went to bed, and the sky threatened gloomily. We were the first people in the lobby. After the others came down and Cyndy, Dana, Alan, and Julia arrived, we walked a block to a little Greek diner called the Sage to have breakfast. I had ten yummy silver dollar pancakes (an indulgence for me, as I'm on a diet). It poured while we were in the diner, but the rain seemed to quiet a bit as we split into three cars (Dana and Alan's, Cyndy's, and Linda and James') to drive to the Flushing-Corona Park.

Given that I wasn't around for either of the World's Fairs, I found the Park facinating. A few things from the 1964 fair, like the Unisphere, are still around, but a few of the existant buildings had been allowed to fall into disrepair. (According to Dana and Alan, the Aquacade from the 1939 fair was around until a few years ago, but it was so dilapadated that they had to tear it down. : 0 ( ) The Queens Museum of Art was also interesting. The Panarama was something else! It was neat, getting to walk over Staten Island (or at least a mock-up of it ; 0 ). I got some nice pictures of World's Fair memorbilia as well. I missed the posters, but I saw models of neat futuristic rounded cars from the 1939 fair that my brother Keefe would get a kick out of. I got a nice magnet of one of the posters from the 1939 fair from the gift shop.

We briefly returned to the hotel after the Art Museum. Julia had been a very good girl at the park, but she was getting fussy, so Alan and Julia left. The rest of us took the subway into Manhattan, where we explored Times Square. The Square was much different from the day before, MUCH more crowded! We found Kerri at the Marriot Marquis (a hotel so big, it's the home of a major Broadway theater!) and took off down 6th Avenue. We stopped for dinner at Chez Louis', which, as Dana mentioned, was wonderful. I had Caeser salad, a sirloin burger so big I could barely pick it up, and shared a large plate of fries with Rita. (Rita and Adina can confirm - they also had the burger, though Di subsituted mashed potatoes for the salad.) It began to pour again sometime around there, and continued to rain off and on for the rest of the night.

We continued down Fifth Avenue, admiring St. Patrick's Cathedral, Saks Fith Avenue, and Rockerfeller Center. (Thankfully, Dana later reported that the ugly spider sculptures displayed at 30 Rock aren't permenant.) We wound up at the Plaza Hotel, the setting for the Eloise children's books and one of my favorite comedies, Big Business. I was disapointed that F.A.O Schwartz was closed, as I promised Keefe I'd see it. Thankfully, there was a little chocolate shop in the Plaza that also sold toys. I bought him a Beanie Baby triceratops. (BTW, Keefe loved the toy dinosaur. He played with it this morning.)

Our group got out of the rain and took a very crowded subway back to the hotel, making a little stop at a Walgreens in Queens for drinks and snacks. We watched the episodes I'd brought until 2 am. It was nice to be able to watch WENN with people who really know and love the show! We recited dialogue and discussed the characters and what makes WENN different from other sitcoms. Rita turned in early, and Di and I soon followed.

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