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Welcome, weary traveler. My name is Stephan and I am the guardian of this retreat. If you come to rest, relax, and allow the peace to restore your soul, you are invited to enjoy your visit. My mistress, whose retreat this is, bids you enter and find repose. If your intentions are to defame or to destroy, please be warned that in no way is anyone but yourself to blame for the negative effects of such actions. This is a peaceful place where all may come to refresh their spirit.

Please click here to open a small window. This window will allow you to return to this page or to explore without fear. Home will return you here. To begin your exploration you must decide where you would like to begin. My mistress will introduce herself with a click upon her name. The Friends she has made both here and in the world beyond the internet can be found as well. One of the most misunderstood animals on our great Earth can be found only a breath away under Magestic Wolves. Speaking of our Earth, my mistress has created a place to celebrate the wonders of this planet. The largest segment of this retreat is devoted to her religion.

Again, please make yourself at home and enjoy your stay. If you would like to contact my mistress for any reason, there are two ways to do so. She loves to read mail so feel free to drop her an email. Her ICQ number is 14915093. You are welcome to direct any comments, questions or critizism to her at any time.

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