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Meet Clover's Sire and Dam

Updated 9/02/02

BZ's Legacy

BZs Legacy head study

Legs, a beautiful gray and white tobiano pinto, stands 31.5 inches, and is AMHA/AMHR registered. He has earned three National Top Ten Championships! He's refined, athletic, and a real sweetheart.

Here is another view of Legs:

BZs Legacy body shot

Be Bop's Uptown Girl

Towner's head study

This little mare is a beautiful solid chestnut, 30 inches tall, registered AMHA. She was foaled on 5/31/93, by Flaby's Hear the Thunder (27.5"), out of Flaby's Hello Dolly (30"). Thunder was the '92 Nat'l Reserve Champion and Dolly is the granddaughter of the famous Orion Light Vant Huttenest and also Arenosa lines. Towner is a very correct mare, gorgeous head, showy attitude and has an animated gait.

Photos are courtesy of the Roake family. Please excuse the photo quality as the actual photos were not available for scanning.

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