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To start off with, a thought to ponder...

Don't settle for the one you can live with...wait for the one you can't live without.

Please leave any thoughts or comments in the guestbook. Also, if you would like to contribute a thought to ponder, leave it in the guestbook, or feel free to email me. I have been collecting quotes and thoughts for years, so please let me know if you have a good one (or two, or three...)

Well, everyone, its been a long time since I have been around to update my charming little web space. (big surprise there...) As you can probably all tell, its in serious need of updates, and incredibly old and out of date. But, I am trying my hardest to fix it up for your viewing pleasure. So, tell your friends, and come back soon to see more and more improvements. And please, let me know if you have any ideas so that I can make this site better for your viewing pleasure!

Check out my poetry, and sign the guestbook, and tell me what you think!

To all of my friends back home, summer was awesome! Extension frisbee, Sea Isle City, turning 21, the list goes on...

There is also a UD quote book from freshman and sophomore year up on the web. Maybe one day junior and senior year will make it to the internet. Check the links! Sorry it took so long! Be ready!


Love ya!


All About Me
My Friends' Pages
Shallow Thoughts
Sign My Dreambook
The Infamous BE Quotebook
My Poetry
The Infamous UD Quotebook (Part 1)
