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     Welcome to the Pro-Angelfire main page! All you ever wanted to know about Angelfire can be accesed here! If you need to email us, you can do so anonymously (if need be), via our email form. Finding information about Angelfire is just one click away, and if you are unable to find what you are looking for, email us and we'll see what we can do.

     You know one thing that is so special about this page? It is not a hate propaganda page! Every other page (so far) that has attacked Angelfire has been censored/shut down! What does that tell you? And tell me if this isn't the truth: "Bitterness is a poison that you take to kill someone else." Now that's profound...!

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Yes! You've seen it on the web! Maybe... But anyway, if you don't know what it is, well let you in on it for just $0.00! Its the Proud supporters of Angelfire! If you hurry and join, maybe, just maybe, you'll beat the masses! Times wasting! Join today! And for you, well throw in the mixer absolutely free! *

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