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Sorry about the ads - Anglefire recently made them mandatory for all pages they host :-(

Here are some articles I've written about the SSI game Fantasy General. Not much yet, but this should change soon! I am currently working on a series called "Battlefield Aer" which will examine every battle in the game. These articles are intended to be general in nature, discussing how to approach the battles and providing an example of the first few turns of each.

Battlefield Aer

New articles will be posted approximately "whenever I feel like it", or more likely, "whenever I have time." Please check back often for new articles!

If you would like to write an article and have it posted here, send me email and we'll arrange something.

And now for some sad news: the Fantasy General Cooperative ( is no more :-(
But I did manage to snag a copy of the FAQ that was there and am making it available here! :-)

Also be sure to check out the Fantasy General Ladder for all your FG pbem needs!

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as of 10/01/99