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A Little Remodeling in Merchantville
Chapter 3: The Remodeling

May 2002 - This photo diary captures the progress in remodeling #34 once all the siding and old cement porch parts were removed. Watch for siding repair, porch building, and painting activity in no particular order!
Did you miss Chapter 2: The Demolition? Click here to catch up on all the action.
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Demolition is done
Where we left off...

5/22/2002 5:20:02 PM

The end of Day Five brought the end of the true demolition phase of the project. Let's start rebuilding!

Day Six

5/23/2002 7:13:05 PM

The new view from the front door. Looks like today's challenge was to prepare the holes/forms for pouring the new porch foundation supports. By the time I got home it looks like this task was completed and the inspector approved the work, so perhaps tomorrow they fill the holes?

Day Six
Seal of Approval
Seal of Approval

5/23/2002 7:13:20 PM

In case any building inspectors are out there, look: we've got approval to continue!

The new porch takes shape

5/23/2002 7:15:14 PM

Here is the "un-camouflaged" view of the six porch support holes from yesterday. The new porch will come out eight feet in the front and wrap around the right side of the house another eight can actually start to visualize it now!

The new porch takes shape
Anatomy of a post hole
Anatomy of a post hole

5/23/2002 7:16:03 PM

Come on, how often do you get to take dumb pictures like this? :-)

End of Day Six

5/23/2002 7:16:54 PM

Same pile of rubble, but now we have yellow construction tape marking the work site.

End of Day Six
Day Seven
Day Seven

5/24/2002 6:54:01 PM

Great view from the front door today: all the footings were poured! Won't be long before the new porch starts really taking shape.

Wraparound footings

5/24/2002 6:37:21 PM

I guess I won't be using that basement window too much longer; this is where the porch wraps around the side of the house. The "stuff" on the left is a pile of the rebar they pulled from the original cement porch. (If I didn't make it clear earlier, the new porch will be ALL WOOD.)

Wraparound footings
Porch profile
Porch profile

5/24/2002 6:36:07 PM

Well, you have to use your imagination...

End of Day Seven

5/24/2002 6:38:09 PM

Not much change to the casual observer. Wait until next week!

End of Day Seven
May 28
May 28

5/28/2002 7:16:09 PM

(I'll go crazy if I have to keep counting work days!)

Word of the day: LUMBER! The only activity today was an important one: the delivery of new porch parts!

If you are very observant you will also notice the pile of bricks is smaller than it was on Friday (we'll document mom's new sidewalk another time.)

May 29

5/29/2002 10:28:31 AM

We have lumber! Ooh, looks like the porch floor!

May 29
The Yankee Workshop it's not...
The Yankee Workshop it's not...

5/29/2002 10:30:07 AM

But it sure looks good.

Building blocks

5/29/2002 10:31:37 PM

So far, so good. This porch has got one hell of a foundation!

Building blocks
Trucks & Lumber
Trucks & Lumber

5/29/2002 10:33:33 PM

Oh, and the wrough iron post that used to hold up the front corner of the house!

Taking Shape

5/29/2002 7:54:03 PM

Cover that dirt!

Taking Shape
Today's view from the front door
Today's view from the front door

5/29/2002 7:51:27 PM

Nice big porch!

This should probably be attached

5/29/2002 7:53:36 PM

Trying to decide whether to move the electric box & wires from the street. (There are too many decisions!)

This should probably be attached

5/29/2002 7:56:44 PM

Perhaps the glider will go here.

Fancy corner

5/29/2002 7:57:11 PM

The wood floor will make a similar pattern in this corner of the porch.

Fancy corner
Down Under
Down Under

5/29/2002 7:57:28 PM

A last look at what will remain "buried" for quite some time!

The Boardwalk?

5/29/2002 7:58:44 PM

Not the beach, just the dirt that "was" my old porch!

The Boardwalk?
Day's End
Day's End

5/29/2002 7:55:22 PM

Ahh, the sweet sight of progress!

May 30

5/30/2002 12:01:27 PM

Here comes the porch floor!

May 30
Uh-oh, dad is "helping" today!
Uh-oh, dad is "helping" today!

5/30/2002 12:08:34 PM

Just giving his dad's stamp of approval to the project.

Intriguing view

5/30/2002 2:41:22 PM

No wonder so many neighbors are stopping to see what's going on!

Intriguing view
View from the porch!
View from the porch!

5/30/2002 4:04:46 PM

My mini lumber yard. Guess I'll be parking in the street for a few days.

Perfect Corner!

5/30/2002 7:09:19 PM

I'm lovin' it so far!

Perfect Corner!
Day's End
Day's End

5/30/2002 7:18:50 PM

It's a porch! (sort of)

May 31

5/31/2002 2:43:31 PM

Word of the day: STEPS!

May 31
Sal is on the job!
Sal is on the job!

5/31/2002 2:43:12 PM

Testing a chemical stripper

5/31/2002 8:08:50 PM

A little patch to test a whole lot of paint removal!

Testing a chemical stripper
View from the front door
View from the front door

5/31/2002 8:04:43 PM

We're not ready to use these yet!

My driveway

5/31/2002 8:08:05 PM

The lumber yard

My driveway
Day's End
Day's End

5/31/2002 8:09:58 PM

Another great week!


6/3/2002 8:15:01 AM

Out with the old, in with the new....porch roof!

Looks like a barn-raising!
Looks like a barn-raising!

6/3/2002 6:49:48 PM

Hey, every porch roof has to start somewhere.

Test roof #1

6/3/2002 6:52:52 PM

Sorry, Sal...I'm switching back to a straight roof line instead of a sloping corner over the door.

Test roof #1
Speaking of Decisions...
Speaking of Decisions...

6/3/2002 6:54:33 PM

Did you know roof shingles came in so many different colors? (I chose the one closest to the color of the existing slate roof)

Paint colors?

6/3/2002 6:52:40 PM

Help! I must narrow my search for the perfect paint color(s). I don't know if you can really tell from this shot, but the paint stripping test revealed an original mustard yellow/gold color on the house. Can you picture that?

Paint colors?
Day's End
Day's End

6/3/2002 6:50:21 PM

Can't wait for tomorrow! I did my homework (picked the roof shingles, the roof line and the porch columns), so now the enemy is the stormy forecast for the next few days.

June 4

6/4/2002 2:47:11 PM

Mission #1: Prepare for the porch roof.

June 4
Open for Business
Open for Business

6/4/2002 2:48:00 PM

Busy work site again today!

Interesting Angle

6/4/2002 7:07:34 PM

Looks more like an old rollercoaster track than a porch roof.

Interesting Angle
That's better
That's better

6/4/2002 7:05:00 PM

Looking very porch-like.

Mission #2

6/4/2002 7:05:31 PM

The steps!
Tricky phenomenon at my house: all the cement pathways lean to the left! I have the same bottom step "pattern" at the back of the house. Let's just say it adds to the charm of an old house.

Mission #2
Day's End
Day's End

6/4/2002 7:06:11 PM

It just keeps getting better.

June 5

6/5/2002 12:38:08 PM

Continuing on the porch roof today

June 5
Busy Work Site
Busy Work Site

6/5/2002 3:56:42 PM

They had to duck for cover once from a thunderstorm, but we're back in business after that (notice all the extension cords criss-crossing the stairs and sidewalk!).

View from the back side

6/5/2002 3:54:32 PM

The perfect wraparound

View from the back side
View from below
View from below

6/5/2002 3:55:07 PM

Roof shingles go on top, beadboard goes on the "bottom."

Day's End

6/5/2002 5:06:45 PM

Wow, what a difference! Tomorrow I must pick out the railings and balusters. Decisions, decisions!

Day's End
June 6
June 6

6/6/2002 1:37:28 PM

One last demolition job. The pile of rubble contains the bits of the old porch roof that needed to come down (the roof that was exposed after the nasty drop ceiling was torn down). Good riddance!


6/6/2002 1:31:34 PM

Looks like the new porch roof is ready for phase two
(hmm, what is phase two?!)

Sample railings
Sample railings

6/6/2002 1:32:26 PM

Wow, it really is looking like a porch now. But I have to decide if this is the style I want...

So for comparison...

6/6/2002 1:34:04 PM

(or confusion), here is a "small" and "large" scale sample. And here I thought choosing square posts and rails would be easy!

So for comparison...
Day's End
Day's End

6/6/2002 2:22:15 PM

Well, it started storming like crazy before the day really ended, so this is just the last "big picture" look we could capture for the day. That's dad on the steps checking out the action.

June 7

6/7/2002 8:32:45 PM

Only one picture today. Activities today included getting the beadboard for the porch ceiling delivered and sharing a sample of lattice for the front.

Monday will see the porch roof go on and possibly the porch posts, too.

June 7
June 11
June 11

6/11/2002 9:05:52 AM

It's a roof! (Well, it's the start.) Actually, a very early start (6:45 a.m.) to beat the heat.

Nice roof

6/11/2002 11:42:54 AM

These are the shingles that looked most like the old slate roof on the house.

Nice roof
Day's End
Day's End

6/11/2002 8:08:43 PM

The roof is done. And is that Hank posing on the porch? Sal is going to be making porch parts at his workshop, and the rest of the porch should be "assembled" starting on Tuesday.

June 14

6/14/2002 6:47:05 PM

Leftovers. Today was a surprise work day...I came home to find this leftover beadboard neatly stacked.

June 14

6/14/2002 6:48:02 PM

And this porch ceiling beautifully installed! I don't even know who was here today (if only Hank could talk).

A Freakish Angle

6/14/2002 6:51:40 PM

Looks like a porch roof on steroids from this angle. But what a lovely ceiling!

A Freakish Angle
Day's End
Day's End

6/14/2002 6:50:46 PM

This weekend we go shopping for light fixtures and the all-important porch rockers.

Looks like we're entering the final phases of remodeling.
Click here for Chapter 4: The Home Stretch.

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