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Our Photo Album

Welcome to our photo album. Guess a bit of background info is in order. We moved to Texas in April of 2001. Denise was born and raised in New Jersey, but Scott hails from this great state of Texas. He moved to NJ about 7 years ago and was lucky enough to find a wonderful woman!! Denise has 3 children, a 17 yr. old daughter, Katie; an 20 yr. old son, Jason; and a 23 yr. old daughter, Chrissy. We added our own bundle of joy in August of 1998...a son, Scott Harold. Chrissy and her husband, John, added to the family in 1999, when their own little angel arrived on June 16th, a girl, Sunshine Faith and again in 2001 with the birth of another little angel, Sabrina Moonlight, on November 8th. They will be adding yet another little angel this coming October!!!!!!! They just recently moved into their own home and are busy getting it together before the new baby arrives.

Chrissy & John

Jason graduated in June of 2001 and is trying to decide what to do with his life. He is working for a book publishing company ands is still thinking of going to school to learn computers. He still plays his electric guitar.


Scott gets to travel a lot for his job and has been to about 32 states so far..the rate he is going...he will make it to all 50! Sometimes he gets to take the family with him. Scott Harold is 5 now and into Transformers, Scooby Doo, and HeMan. He started kindergarten this past August and loves school. Hard to believe he is that old already! Katie is doing great..She is a Senior this school year and is staying with her father in NJ. She is now attending the same high school that her MomMom, Denise, her father, and her brother and sister attended which makes her very happy! On top of losing Denise's Mom in March of 2000, we lost Scott's mom in April of 2001..the main reason we moved to Texas was to care for her. It has been a rough couple of years for us and it seems as though as soon as we pick ourselves up, something else comes along. Things are a bit more settled now and Scott has been reconnecting with many of his Texan friends. He is teaching Scott Harold..and me be Longhorns and Scott H is very good at making his "HOOK "EM" sign with his fingers! Scott has been doing some theater work with one of his old friends and they have been enjoying working together again after so many years. Scott Harold and Sunnie still miss each other a lot. We went up to NJ in August to visit everyone and we had sucha good time. We miss seeing everyone and hate being away from Sunnie and Sabrina. I worry that they won't even know us. It is very hard living so far away from them.

Sunshine Faith

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