EXT. SILENT HILL AMUSEMENT PARK (OTHERSIDE). Everything is dark until three lights appear in a triangular formation, rotating slowly. Mist begins to appear around the lights as distorted carnival-like music starts to play in the background. A circle appears around the lights. We suddenly CUT TO EXT. UNKNOWN. A loud roar as we see the twitching head of a horse. CUT TO EXT. SILENT HILL AMUSEMENT PARK (OTHERSIDE). Three lights appear in the place of each of the original lights. They continue to rotate, but this time, as three smaller triangles within a triangle. CUT TO EXT. UNKNOWN. A loud roar as the twitching continues. CUT TO EXT. SILENT HILL AMUSEMENT PARK (OTHERSIDE). The rotating lights are revealed to be coming from a carousel, which we can see now from a sideways, tilted perspective. CUT TO EXT. UNKNOWN. The horse head twitches as the roar continues and then suddenly begins to fade away. FADE TO EXT. SILENT HILL AMUSEMENT PARK (OTHERSIDE). HEATHER steps under the entrance sign for the Silent Hill Amusement Park, and into the center of the square. As she walks, we can see one large mascot-like rabbit costume lying on the ground, its mouth smeared with red. The camera pans to reveal another in the same state, slumped over on a park bench. HEATHER (stops walking and looks around, confused) Where am I? (looks down, surprised to see that she is carrying a knife in her hand) The camera zooms out from atop HEATHER and fades to black. ++HEATHER GETS HIT BY THE CAR++ INT. MALL (HAPPY BURGER). The sun coming through the blinds gives the entire room a red cast. We can hear cars passing outside. HEATHER is sleeping, her arms and head resting on one of the restaurant's wooden tables. She wakes up slowly, disoriented at first, and then looks around. HEATHER What a nightmare... (looks out the window for a moment, then stands, tucking the pendant she is wearing into her vest) FADE TO INT. MALL (CORRIDOR). The sliding glass doors of HAPPY BURGER open, and HEATHER passes into the mall proper. We get a brief shot of a man's feet as he begins to pursue HEATHER. Cut to Heather who is picking up a public telephone. HEATHER (laughs) Dad. It's me. (beat) Yeah. Sorry I didn't call sooner. (beat) Yeah. I guess I was. Anyway, I'm coming home now. (remembering suddenly) Oh, I didn't get that thing you asked me to. (beat) Okay. Okay, I will. I love you too, dad. We can now see the man who approaches HEATHER, and so can she. She gives him a "back off" gesture after she hangs up the phone, but he only shakes his head at her. She begins to walk away quickly, but he follows. DOUGLAS Heather, I need to speak with you. My name is Douglas Cartland. I'm a detective. HEATHER (turning; sarcastic) A detective? Really? Well, nice talkin' to ya. (begins to walk away again) DOUGLAS (follows) Hold on. There's someone that wants to meet you. Just lemme have an hour – no[,] half an hour of your time. HEATHER (turns again) My daddy always told me not to talk to strangers. DOUGLAS This is very important. It's about your birth. HEATHER (turns away) I'm not interested. (walks) DOUGLAS continues to follow HEATHER as they approach the door to the ladies' room. HEATHER (angrily) Are you still following me? Do I have to scream? DOUGLAS (holds up his hands) Sorry… I'll wait here. HEATHER enters the bathroom while DOUGLAS remains in the hallway. ++SOMETHING HERE??++ INT. MALL (DRESS SHOP). HEATHER enters the shop. The camera at first takes her perspective, looking around an empty room, save the countertop and a few mannequins. Suddenly we can see that there is a pistol on the floor. HEATHER approaches it and picks it up, contemplating it. We can hear a strange noise coming from inside the room. HEATHER notices it a second later, turning. Close up of her shocked face, until the camera finally allows us to see what she is reacting to. An INSANE CANCER is devouring a body on the floor, creating a bloody mess. HEATHER uncertainly points the gun at the monster, which straightens up to face her in response. It begins to approach her. HEATHER (aiming) Stay back! The monster continues to lurch toward HEATHER. She backs up slightly. HEATHER Get the hell away from me! She begins to fire as the monster continues to approach. After about four shots, she begins firing blanks. Just before she can grasp her situation, the monster collapses on the ground, twitching before eventually stilling. HEATHER (approaching cautiously) What the hell is this thing? INT. ELEVATOR (OTHERSIDE). HEATHER enters the elevator and shouts in horror as she sees VALTIEL devouring another monster behind the elevator cage. HEATHER (shouting) Is this a dream? (to herself, quietly) It's got to be. The doors of the elevator slam behind HEATHER. She turns to face them, seeing that there is no escape, and then looks back at the monsters. Suddenly the elevator springs to life, throwing Heather against the doors. It begins to descend as HEATHER backs up against the doors. HEATHER Not even a kid could believe in this. Cut between VALTIEL and a large rotating fan at the ceiling. HEATHER But when am I going to wake up? INT. MALL CORRIDOR (SERVICE AREA). We see a woman at the end of a long hallway. Cut to HEATHER, who has just spotted her, at the opposite end of the hall. HEATHER (approaching and holding up her hand) Hey…wait. (continues to approach CLAUDIA) What's going on? Where is everybody? Those weird monsters… CLAUDIA (grandly) They have come to witness the Beginning. The rebirth of Paradise, despoiled by mankind. HEATHER What are you talking about? CLAUDIA Don't you know? Your power is needed. HEATHER How should I know!? CLAUDIA I am Claudia. HEATHER (annoyed) So what? CLAUDIA Remember me, and your true self as well. (points to HEATHER) Also that which you must become. The one who will lead us to Paradise with blood-stained hands… HEATHER Claudia, right? Did you do all this? (gestures to her surroundings) CLAUDIA It was the hand of God. We hear a strange noise begin as HEATHER clutches her head in pain, crumpling to the ground. The camera takes HEATHER's perspective, blurring the sight of CLAUDIA as she begins to walk away. HEATHER (crying) Wait. CLAUDIA disappears as the screen fades to black. Cut to HEATHER. The sound stops now that CLAUDIA is gone, and HEATHER rights herself. HEATHER (upset) I don't get it. What does she want me to remember? INT. MALL; BATHROOM (OTHERSIDE). HEATHER contemplates one of the toilets. HEATHER (unspoken) It's full of filthy, muddy water. Looks like something's stopping it up. HEATHER begins to reach into the toilet as the music builds, and then suddenly throws up her hands. HEATHER Forget it. This is way too gross. (turns to address the camera) Who would even think of doing something so disgusting? INT. MALL; BATHROOM (OTHERSIDE). HEATHER again approaches the toilet. HEATHER (unspoken) Disgusting! I'm not getting any closer. I don't even want to look at it! INT. MALL (OTHERSIDE). HEATHER climbs down a ladder in the center square into a large pit with six large archways. One of them is covered with a gate. HEATHER begins to examine them when she hears a noise, and we turn to see that the ladder has shattered. She approaches it as a low roar begins to echo in the pit. HEATHER turns to see a giant monster, one mouth within another, emerge from the center archway, knocking the gate open. ++DEFEAT OF THE MONSTER++ INT. MALL STAIRWELL. HEATHER emerges from the inside of the mall and begins to approach the stairs leading to the subway. DOUGLAS suddenly appears at another entrance. DOUGLAS Heather! HEATHER (stops and turns) It's you… DOUGLAS (bewildered) What just happened? HEATHER (angrily) You must be one of them! DOUGLAS (gestures toward himself) What did I do? And what do you mean by "one of them"? HEATHER (approaching him; accusatory) You're in on this with that Claudia, aren't you? DOUGLAS (backing up) Claudia…what about her? She asked me to find you, that's all. HEATHER So you are one of them. DOUGLAS (incredulous) Claudia did all that? (beat) Look, I was just hired to find you. I'm not on anybody's side. I don't know anything about this. Why don't you start by telling me what happened here? And that monster, what the hell was that…? HEATHER I don't know anymore than you do. All I know is that things are getting really screwy around here, and… …I got a weird feeling it's got something to do with me. Maybe you're just an innocent bystander, but I… …I can't feel sorry for you, cause you dragged me into this. (angrily) If you hadn't found me… DOUGLAS (holding up his hands) What are you talkin' about? What's so special about you anyway? HEATHER (sarcastically) If I knew that, I wouldn't be so confused, would I? (thinking) But I know there's something… Something I've been running from and forgot for a long time. (beat) How did I remember that? DOUGLAS What's wrong? HEATHER Nothing. (turns to leave) DOUGLAS Where are you going? HEATHER (jogging toward the stairs) I'm taking the subway home. DOUGLAS What should I do? HEATHER (disappearing down the stairs) Hell if I know. INT. SUBWAY STATION. We can hear the roar of the subway train a moment before it speeds into view. HEATHER moves backwards just in time to avoid the train. When it stops in front of her, she gasps. The doors open and HEATHER steps toward the train. FADE TO INT. SUBWAY TRAIN. HEATHER cautiously steps through the open doors, looking around her as she does. As soon as she passes through the doors, they slam shut. HEATHER makes a noise and turns, banging on the glass. The train begins to move away from the camera. INT. SUBWAY TRAIN (FRONT CAR). HEATHER, who has been walking forward, is thrown to the floor of the car when the train suddenly stops, squealing as it does. HEATHER stands slowly and looks about her until the front doors of the car open. INT. SEWER. HEATHER drops the steel pipe into the water. The SEWER QUEEN, a woman resembling a goddess of some sort, appears to her. The SEWER QUEEN is holding two pipes in her hands, one made of gold, and the other of silver. SEWER QUEEN What was it that you dropped? Was it this precious gold pipe? HEATHER (unspoken) No. SEWER QUEEN Well then, was it this magnificent silver pipe? HEATHER (unspoken) No. SEWER QUEEN Perhaps it was only this filthy steel pipe that you dropped? HEATHER (unspoken) Yes. SEWER QUEEN Ah, I have finally found a truly honest man. In return, I will give you both the gold pipe and the silver pipe to keep. INT. CONSTRUCTION SITE. HEATHER leans over a bathtub as she twists the faucet. She begins to examine the tap when nothing comes out. HEATHER (sighs disgustedly) I knew it. (she stands) HEATHER glances at the tub again in confusion. We cut to the bottom of the tub, where we can see a dark red fluid pooling out from the drain. HEATHER backs off quickly, close to retching. In the background, the tub and the rest of the room begin to shift between their current appearance, and the that of the "otherside." HEATHER screams in pain, clutching her head as she sinks to the floor. When we get an overshot, we can see that the whole room is crawling with the transformation. It appears covered in brown veins. Fade out. The screen remains black for a long moment, and then we can suddenly hear a voice. HARRY MASON (v/o) It's being invaded by the otherworld. By a world of someone's nightmarish delusions come to life… FADE back into the construction site/mental hospital, which has shifted fully to the otherside. HEATHER is lying on the floor. She stands up slowly, looking at her surroundings. HEATHER Oh no, not again… (kicks the bathtub angrily, yelling) Did she do this too? INT. MENTAL HOSPITAL OFFICE (OTHERSIDE). VINCENT is sitting behind a desk, lost in some paperwork. As HEATHER approaches, he raises his head and turns his chair to face her. VINCENT Heather… That's what you're called now, isn't it? HEATHER And who are you? VINCENT The name's Vincent. Don't forget it, OK? I'm on your side. HEATHER So you say… But how do I know you're not with her? VINCENT (incredulous) Her? You mean Claudia? (standing) Please! Don't lump me together with her. (approaching HEATHER) She was totally brainwashed by that crazy old hag. (reconsiders) I guess "crazy old hag" is a bit harsh. She is your mother, after all… HEATHER (baffled) My mother? What do you mean? VINCENT You don't remember? So Harry didn't tell you anything. (smugly) I guess he hid the truth to keep you on his side, eh? That figures. He's a pretty sneaky guy. HEATHER (slams the door angrily and shouts, approaching Vincent) Don't talk about my dad like that! VINCENT (urgently) Sorry, I apologize. Please calm down. HEATHER How do you know my father anyway? VINCENT I know everything. I know about your past too. HEATHER Then tell me what's going on. VINCENT (disbelievingly) You don't know even that? HEATHER (angrily) That's why I'm asking. If you know everything, then tell me how I can put an end to this. VINCENT Not yet. Why not enjoy yourself a bit longer? HEATHER Enjoy? I feel like I'm going crazy. Doesn't this place get to you at all? VINCENT Oh it gets to me all right. I find it most fascinating. HEATHER begins to walk away. VINCENT Wait! I'm not finished talking! HEATHER (quietly) I knew you were on her side. VINCENT How do you figure!? HEATHER (shakes her head) There's something wrong with you, too. (leaves the room) INT. MENTAL HOSPITAL (OTHERSIDE). Heather stands in a room filled with metal examining tables. She stands over a book that is sitting open on one of the tables. HEATHER (reading) Tu fui, ego eris. (to herself) Weird writing… A loud roar in the background. HEATHER (gasps, looking around quickly) What was that? INT. APARTMENT (LIVING ROOM). There is an armchair turned toward the TV and away from the camera. Presumably, someone is sitting in it, but we can't tell from this position. The TV is on, but only static appears on the screen. HEATHER enters the frame and stretches, first her arms, and then her neck. HEATHER (to the armchair) Dad, I'm home. Listen… (she begins to approach the chair) Something really crazy is going on. I think we should… (unsure) Dad? Dad?. At first, we can only see HEATHER's reaction to viewing the contents of the chair, but then the camera moves to reveal HARRY MASON, apparently dead from a gory wound to the torso. Blood pools around the front of the chair and drops of it on the carpet lead away from HARRY. HEATHER gasps in horror, sinking to the floor. HEATHER No.* No!* (sobbing, she bows over him, holding his knees) FADE TO INT. APARTMENT (LIVING ROOM). HEATHER is still leaned over the chair, but some time has obviously elapsed since we last saw her. Suddenly she seems to notice the trail of blood leading from the chair to the porch doorway. She picks up speed as she follows it, charging up the (fire escape?) stairs to the roof. The camera takes her shaky perspective as she runs. EXT. APARTMENT (ROOF). HEATHER arrives at the roof and stops short. HEATHER (outraged) Did you do this? CLAUDIA (calmly) You're late. HEATHER But why!? Why? CLAUDIA Revenge for 17 years ago[,] for one thing. If not for him, our dream would have come true! And then, he took you away from us. HEATHER (shaking her fist) I'll get you for this! CLAUDIA There is another reason: to fill your heart with hatred. It must be this way. One day you will understand why. HEATHER No! I'll never understand! CLAUDIA You must try to remember me, and your true self as well. You will birth a God and build an eternal paradise. HEATHER aims her gun at CLAUDIA. CLAUDIA merely shakes her head in disapproval. CLAUDIA He's the one who killed your father. (pointing at monster) I merely gave the order. So[,] what will you do? MONSTER with knives for hands begins approaching HEATHER. CLAUDIA I'll be waiting where all begins. In the town of Silent Hill. (exits as HEATHER prepares to fight the MONSTER) ++DEFEAT OF MONSTER??++ EXT. APARTMENT. HEATHER steps down the fire escape slowly and enters the apartment, where Douglas is kneeling on the floor. As HEATHER steps inside, he rises to his feet and holds out his arms. DOUGLAS (sighs) I don't know what to say… HEATHER (standing in the doorway with hands fisted at her sides) Then don't say anything. I'm fine[,] so just get out of here, and leave me alone already. DOUGLAS (raising his hands in supplication) Calm down, I just… HEATHER (outraged) Calm down? How am I supposed to do that? My father is dead! He's murdered! Get out! (pushes DOUGLAS) This is all your fault! If it weren't for you… DOUGLAS I'm sorry. HEATHER Then go! DOUGLAS If it'll make you feel better, I will. INT. APARTMENT. BEDROOM. HEATHER and DOUGLAS look on next to the bed, where HARRY's body has been laid out under a sheet. Flowers rest near his head. DOUGLAS Is he okay like this? HEATHER What else can I do? There's no one here to give him a decent burial. (sighs) I'm sorry, Dad. DOUGLAS What'll you do now? HEATHER I'm going to Silent Hill. DOUGLAS What's in Silent Hill? HEATHER I don't know. DOUGLAS Do you think it's safe? HEATHER Of course it isn't! I don't know what kind of hell is waiting for me there, but I've got no other choice. I don't care about God or Paradise… If that's what she believes, then fine. But she won't get away with what she did. (beat) When I find her, I'll kill her myself. The camera follows HEATHER's gaze briefly, focusing on the body on the bed. DOUGLAS Revenge doesn't solve anything. HEATHER Maybe not, but that's what I'm going to do. DOUGLAS How're you gonna get there? HEATHER None of your business. DOUGLAS I'll give you a ride. HEATHER I don't need your help. DOUGLAS Yeah, but it's too far to walk. Besides, I'm partly responsible for this. I'll bring the car around back. Come by when you're finished saying goodbye. (turns to leave) HEATHER You know[,] you might die, too. DOUGLAS That's fine. Nobody's gonna cry over my grave anyway. (exits) EXT. APARTMENT. DOUGLAS stands next to the car as HEATHER emerges from the apartment. DOUGLAS I just met some guy named Vincent… HEATHER Vincent? DOUGLAS He's a friend of yours, right? HEATHER I'm not sure. DOUGLAS He said when we get to Silent Hill to look for a guy named Leonard. And he gave me this map. (produces map from inside his jacket and hands it to HEATHER) What do you want to do? HEATHER We can't trust him, but we've got no other choice. DOUGLAS (produces notebook and hands it to HEATHER) Here, take this, too. HEATHER (examining it) What's this? DOUGLAS Your father was holding it. Cut to a shot of the notebook's cover. It reads: "To my dear daughter." INT. CAR. DOUGLAS drives while HEATHER looks out the window forlornly. It is raining outside, and the wipers occasionally pass over the front window. DOUGLAS (looks toward HEATHER) It started raining. Are you sleeping? HEATHER (quietly) I'm awake. DOUGLAS You cold? (beat) What's the deal with Silent Hill anyway? It used to be a nice, quiet little town, but now… HEATHER You've been there? DOUGLAS Once. On a missing persons case. I never did find him. But* I['ll] tell ya, that's one screwed up town In my line of work, you hear a lot of nasty rumors. HEATHER I was born and raised there. DOUGLAS Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. HEATHER No offense taken. DOUGLAS Anyway, I thought you grew up in Portland?[.] HEATHER puts her hand to her head as if in pain. DOUGLAS What's wrong? You feeling sick? HEATHER My head's pounding. Like the worst hangover ever. DOUGLAS Maybe you're carsick. HEATHER No, I'm just trying to remember. My childhood. Something terrible happened in Silent Hill 17 years ago. A woman named Dahlia, she tried to summon the ancient god of the town. She offered up her very own daughter. DOUGLAS That's crazy. HEATHER Maybe so, but it worked. The girl gave birth to a god. DOUGLAS Huh? HEATHER You see, that girl had special powers. DOUGLAS Powers? HEATHER Her classmates called her a witch. She could make things happen with her mind. She could kill people just by wishing for it. But in the end, that god was killed by a single person. My father, Harry Mason. I guess it wasn't much of a god if it could be killed by a human being. But I think Claudia is trying to do the same thing again. And I've been chosen as the sacrifice. DOUGLAS You've got some kind of power in you, too? HEATHER After the god was killed, the girl reappeared. She was holding a baby in her arms. Before she died, she gave the baby to my father. He loved me just like I was his very own daughter. Even though he didn't know who or what I was. It was so sudden… (aside) I never had a chance…to tell you… To tell you how… happy you made me… A shot of the back of the car as it pulls away. INT. MOTEL. HEATHER is sitting on the bed with her back toward us while DOUGLAS stands in front of the front door. DOUGLAS I'm gonna head for that Leonard guy's house. You check out the hospital. You got that map, right? HEATHER Yeah. DOUGLAS You gonna be okay alone? HEATHER I'm not a child, you know. Are you sure it's not you who's afraid to be alone? DOUGLAS (sighs) You're right, I am afraid. I'm 50 something years old, and I['ve] never seen nothing like this. I still feel like I'm dreaming. HEATHER (laughs halfheartedly) More like a nightmare, I'd say. DOUGLAS Yeah, I wanna wake up and have a smoke already. Meet me back here when you're finished looking around the hospital, OK? HEATHER Roger. DOUGLAS exits. HEATHER sits on the bed for a moment longer, and then stands. Fade out. INT. HOSPITAL (PATIENT ROOM). Close up on a ringing phone. HEATHER's hand comes into view as she picks up the receiver. HEATHER Hello…? LEONARD (v/o) Claudia? HEATHER No, I'm not*… LEONARD (v/o) Don't lie to me, Claudia. You're always trying to run from your responsibilities. Have you come to apologize? Or maybe you still don't realize how foolish you've been? (sarcastically) The "salvation of all mankind". (angrily) What a ridiculous dream. HEATHER Wait, just listen to me for a second. LEONARD (v/o) I've heard enough from you already. How did you turn out this way? Where did I go wrong? HEATHER Listen to me already! I'm not Claudia! LEONARD (v/o) You're not Claudia? HEATHER My name is Heather. LEONARD (v/o) Heather…? HEATHER Who are you? LEONARD (v/o) Leonard Wolf. I'm sorry. I thought you were my daughter. HEATHER (reacts in silence for a moment as this news sinks in ) Claudia is your daughter? LEONARD (v/o) Oh so you know her, do you? Are you one of her followers? HEATHER No. Never. When I find her, I… LEONARD (v/o) I can feel the hatred. HEATHER What? LEONARD (v/o) Behind your words…the anger. You plan to kill her, don't you? HEATHER I'm sorry. But she…she killed my father. LEONARD (v/o) She's a fool, but she's still my daughter. I was going to forgive her if she changed her ways. But I see it's too late. (beat) Heather, will you help me? HEATHER Help you? LEONARD (v/o) I'm locked up in here. And I must stop Claudia. HEATHER Where are you now? LEONARD (v/o) I'm not sure myself, but the door is at the end of the hall on the 2nd floor. I think I can be of help to you. I have a seal. Please. HEATHER A seal? LEONARD hangs up and we can hear a dial tone. HEATHER puts down the receiver. HEATHER (speculatively) The end of the hall on the 2nd floor? INT. HOSPITAL (LOCKER ROOM - OTHERSIDE). We can hear a phone ringing. The camera faces HEATHER as she opens one of the lockers, then cuts to the inside of the locker, where we can see a payphone hanging crookedly on the lower part of the back wall. Heather bends over and cautiously picks up the receiver. VOICE (v/o) (singing) Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear… (beat) Oh, I forgot your name. HEATHER Who are you!? VOICE (v/o) Oh, okay[,] thanks. (singing) Happy birthday dear "Hooaryou"[.] Happy birthday to you. (speaking) Happy 31st birthday! HEATHER (standing) Is this Leonard? VOICE (v/o) That's the murderer's name, not my name. I'm not your beloved Stanley either. He's underground now. His new name is '#7'. (laughs) But don't worry about that now. It's time to celebrate your birthday! HEATHER You've got me mistaken for someone else. Today's not my… VOICE (v/o) (angrily) I'm not mistaken. Today is your 24th birthday. (calmer) And I have a present for you. Which do you prefer? To give pain or to receive it? You can have the one you hate the most. (laughs) Happy birthday to you. The VOICE suddenly hangs up and we can hear a dial tone on the other end. HEATHER (to herself) But you're wrong. It's not my birthday. INT. HOSPITAL. A videotape of a nurse, LISA, bent over a table and speaking to the camera. LISA Still has an unusually high fever… Eyes don't open… getting a pulse… But just barely breathing. Why… What is keeping that child alive? INT. HOSPITAL SEWER. HEATHER climbs down a ladder and begins walking through the muck. She looks up when she hears a voice. LEONARD (v/o) Heather? HEATHER (looking for the source of the voice) Yeah? Leonard? Where are you? LEONARD (v/o) Thank you. Now I can finally leave here. Now Claudia's ridiculous dream is over. Well, I guess it's time to dispose of her. The "salvation of all mankind." Ha! Why must we reward even the unbelievers? HEATHER (distressed) What are you talking about? LEONARD (v/o) About our plans of course. It's true that God is merciful. But first one must be chosen. Only we who hearken to the voice of God will be given the keys to Paradise. Don't you think so, Heather? HEATHER Yeah, sure. Go ahead and think whatever you want. LEONARD (v/o) What do you mean by that? HEATHER I mean that I don't think the way you guys do. I don't want any part of that kinda paradise. LEONARD (v/o) You're an unbeliever? You deceived me!? HEATHER I didn't deceive you. We were both just wrong about each other. I thought you were a normal person. LEONARD (v/o) So you tried to trick me so you could run off with my seal, eh? Heretic! You plan to destroy God! HEATHER I told you. I wasn't trying to trick anyone. What is this seal thing, anyway? LEONARD (v/o) Don't play innocent. You can't fool me anymore. The seal is mine. I was appointed by God to be its guardian. The only thing you'll get from me is a gruesome death! LEONARD emerges from the sewage, a gigantic humanoid monster. HEATHER Leonard, is that you? LEONARD (writhing) Death to all who turn their backs on God! HEATHER (shakes her head) Is every person here a mental case? Well I guess you're not a person anyway. INT. HOSPITAL SEWER. LEONARD falls into the water with a loud crash. The screen fades to white, and then to: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM. Old mattresses and various junk lie on the floor and against the walls. Sunlight streams through the windows. HEATHER is lying on the floor. She stands up slowly, looking about her. HEATHER Leonard's not here anymore. I guess I should head back to the motel now. I hope Douglas is okay. HEATHER begins to walk toward the door when she suddenly kicks something unseen across the floor. When she hears the noise, she moves to investigate. HEATHER Huh?* (picks up LEONARD's seal) What's this…? INT. MOTEL ROOM, though we can't see that at first. The screen is entirely black as we break into the middle of a conversation. CLAUDIA (v/o) (angrily) Why did you send her to my father? VINCENT (v/o) (with feigned innocence) Was that wrong? CLAUDIA (v/o) It's your fault that he… VINCENT (v/o) (sarcastically) But surely it's a good thing. It means that he was one of God's beloved, no? CLAUDIA (v/o) Those who mock God will never receive salvation. You'll go to Hell, Vincent. You'll never feel the joy of God's everlasting paradise. Slow FADE IN on VINCENT as he gestures to CLAUDIA. VINCENT And you think God is going to save you? Ha! CLAUDIA What do you know anyway!? VINCENT I know about the pleasures of this world. And I want to find my happiness while I'm still here. (pointing at Claudia) You hated your father, didn't you? I saw the way he hit you, kicked you, and made you cry. (holding his head) The memory of his cruelty is forever burned into my mind. CLAUDIA (revelatory) Yes, yes. And that's why we need God. VINCENT What you call "faith" is nothing more than a child crying out for love. That's why you're all alone. CLAUDIA You don't understand. None of you do. INT. MOTEL ROOM. HEATHER enters to find VINCENT facing away from her. He turns abruptly when he hears her entrance. HEATHER Where's Douglas? VINCENT (stepping toward her) He went out. But he left a message for you. HEATHER Was there someone else here just now? VINCENT No, no, just me. Don't you want to know what the message is? HEATHER (reluctantly) Yeah, what did he say? VINCENT "The church is on the other side of the lake." HEATHER Church…? I wonder what he meant by that. VINCENT You don't understand? That's where Claudia is. Across the lake, on the north side. If you're going, you'd better go through the amusement park. It's probably the only way in now. (thinks) Go northwest on Nathan Avenue. It's a bit far, but closer than heaven. HEATHER (disgusted) Is that it for the message? VINCENT Uh huh. HEATHER (sarcastically) Thanks. (she starts to leave but then turns back) Douglas really said that? VINCENT What's wrong, you don't trust me? EXT. LAKESIDE AMUSEMENT PARK. FADE IN on a closeup of the entrance sign. The camera slowly pans down as HEATHER steps under the sign and into the park. Before she can take more than a few steps past the gate, we hear a familiar sound—the same one we heard in the hallway at the mall and near the bathtub at the construction site. HEATHER kneels on the ground and doubles over in pain, clutching her stomach. The screen flickers in and out until HEATHER finally recovers. The scene has changed to that of the otherside. HEATHER turns on her flashlight and takes a look around. HEATHER Aw, hell.* EXT. LAKESIDE AMUSEMENT PARK (OTHERSIDE). DOUGLAS steps into the scene, over the grated floors, and the camera pans up slowly, eventually focusing on his face. CLAUDIA I hired you to find the girl and you performed serviceably. What is it now? DOUGLAS You lied to me about Heather, lady. I don't like being used. CLAUDIA Lie? What lie? DOUGLAS That Heather was kidnapped from you. CLAUDIA But it's true. She was originally one of us. That man, Harry Mason, stole her and kept her hidden from us. DOUGLAS Yeah, but she says she was happy. CLAUDIA She was brainwashed by him, deceived. Because her true self had not yet awoken. She carries God within her. But when Alessa, mother of God truly awakens… DOUGLAS Yeah, what's gonna happen? CLAUDIA She will usher in the Eternal Paradise. DOUGLAS What kind of place is that? CLAUDIA A place with no pain. No hunger, no sickness, no old age. There will be no greed or war and all will live by God's grace alone. DOUGLAS No this, no that, no nothin'. A paradise for castrated sheep maybe. Sounds pretty boring. CLAUDIA I pity you. You still don't understand. DOUGLAS raises his gun and points it toward CLAUDIA. CLAUDIA You're going to kill me? Is it really so easy for you? DOUGLAS (dismissively) I've done it before. CLAUDIA Then I truly do pity you. FADE OUT. ++HAUNTED HOUSE LOBBY SCENE++ INT. BORLEY HAUNTED HOUSE. A dining room table on the side of the room is roped off as if part of a museum exhibit. The table and chairs are in disarray, some of them covered in blood. As HEATHER steps into the room, a VOICE emanates from an unseen loudspeaker. VOICE Help…Help… (pauses) Do you hear those voices? A family of four was sliced into bloody pieces in this room. (in mock sympathy) Ah, the cries of the children… The murderer was caught. Do you know why he said he killed his family? (beat) "Because I felt I had to." Anyway, I'm lying. It's all just a joke. I wanted to scare you, that's all. The truth is only one person died, by suicide. There is a sudden flash of lighting, and the silhouette of a hanged man appears behind the window curtains. INT. BORLEY HAUNTED HOUSE. From HEATHER's perspective, we can see only the back of a man's head over the armchair where he sits at a desk, presumably working. As in the dining room, this area is roped off as if it is part of a museum exhibit. As HEATHER approaches the man's front, a body suddenly drops from the ceiling, hanging upside down in front of HEATHER. The rope creaks as the body swings slightly back and forth. VOICE That's danny. A quiet young man, but quite friendly, as you can see. He was so eager to meet you. His hometown is New Orleans. But he came here after first losing his way. Oh, maybe you might know? Where is the path to heaven? ++HAUNTED HOUSE OTHER ROOMS/FINAL HALLWAY++ EXT. LAKESIDE AMUSEMENT PARK (OTHERSIDE). HEATHER, who has been running, comes to a stop in front of the carousel when she spots DOUGLAS sitting in front of it. HEATHER Douglas! DOUGLAS You're late. HEATHER Are you hurt? DOUGLAS I can't move my right leg. I think it's broken. HEATHER I'll call an ambulance! (running away) DOUGLAS Wait. I don't think one'll come. HEATHER stops and turns to face DOUGLAS. DOUGLAS Don't worry,[.] I'm used to it. HEATHER (angrily) You… you old fool! Getting yourself hurt like that… DOUGLAS Sorry. HEATHER Why did you have to do that for me? What'll I do if you die? DOUGLAS What'll we do if this god thing gets born? HEATHER C'mon. How powerful could a god from a dump like this be? I'm sure it'll be no big deal. DOUGLAS But anyway, something's gonna happen. HEATHER Who knows? Maybe we'd all be better off if it did. DOUGLAS But if this is how a god of mercy acts, I don't want to see any more of him. That's a pretty good reason to risk my life, don't you think? Plus, I'm just an old fool, right? HEATHER (leans down toward him) You think you're superman or something? DOUGLAS Y'know, I always wanted to be him. Besides… HEATHER Yeah? DOUGLAS I want to help you out. HEATHER You don't have to feel responsible. I know it's not your fault. (stands and begins to walk away) DOUGLAS You…you remind me of my son. HEATHER (turns, puzzled) You said nobody was going to cry for you… DOUGLAS Dead people don't cry. Stupid kid got himself shot robbing a bank. HEATHER But why? DOUGLAS Maybe [']cause his pop was a penniless good-for-nothin'. Who knows? Anyway, now I guess I'll never find out. (beat) Sorry, I shouldn't have said you reminded me of a guy like him. HEATHER (laughs) Well maybe if you had compared me to your daughter… (seriously) Listen, I'll take care of the rest. You stay here, and I'll be back when it's over. DOUGLAS You'll be okay by yourself? HEATHER (shrugs) Hey, no problem. (turns to go) Besides, my dad's not around anymore, so only I can do this. As HEATHER walks away, DOUGLAS raises his gun so that it points at her retreating back. She pauses, but does not turn around, as if sensing what DOUGLAS is about to do. HEATHER What are you doing? DOUGLAS (uneasily) Maybe killing you is the only way to end this nightmare… HEATHER (takes a deep breath) Yeah, you might be right. (pauses, closes her eyes for a moment and then continues to walk away) EXT. LAKESIDE AMUSEMENT PARK (OTHERSIDE). HEATHER returns to the front of the carousel, where DOUGLAS is still sitting with his head lowered. DOUGLAS (weakly looks up) What is it? HEATHER I just came by [to] make sure you were still alive. DOUGLAS Sorry. I'd come with you if I wasn't hurt… HEATHER Yeah, well, I guess that's the problem with older guy[s], huh? HEATHER I'll handle things. You just rest. (she turns and begins to walk away but looks back one last time before she leaves) Don't die on me, okay? EXT. AMUSEMENT PARK (OTHERSIDE). HEATHER is standing on the carousel, looking about as blood flows over the ride's surfaces. She turns around to find ALESSA, a bloodied, dark-haired image of herself, approaching. ALESSA carries a knife, and when she gets closer, she holds it up in the air before attacking HEATHER. They fight. INT. CHURCH. The camera starts from the back of the church and slowly closes in on CLAUDIA, who has her back turned to the altar. She turns abruptly when she senses HEATHER's approach. CLAUDIA How did you get here? (shakes her head) It was Vincent, wasn't it? He led you here. When will he cease his meddling? But it's just as well. Luring you here also serves my purposes. HEATHER (points the pistol she is carrying at CLAUDIA) Checkmate. CLAUDIA Not yet. The time is not yet at hand. The time when all will be forgiven their sins. When the Paradise we have long dreamed for will arrive. After the Judgment and Atonement, an eternity of bliss. Oh Alessa, the world you wanted is nearly here… HEATHER That's not what I want. CLAUDIA Not you. Alessa. Your true self. HEATHER (affected) But I am Alessa. My little Claudia. My dear, sweet sister. CLAUDIA Alessa? Is it you? Oh, how I've missed you! HEATHER I don't need another world. It's fine the way it is. CLAUDIA But you said it yourself. The world must first be cleansed with fire. HEATHER But that's not what I want now. CLAUDIA (distressed) Alessa, don't you want happiness? Have you become blind to all the hopeless suffering in the world? We need… we all need God's salvation. HEATHER Listen. Suffering is a fact of life. Either you learn how to deal with that or you go under. You can stay in your own little dream world, but you can't keep hurting other people. Besides, I'll never forgive you for hurting my father. CLAUDIA I wish only for the salvation of Mankind. But for that to happen, the world must first be remade. And for that, we need God. HEATHER You self-righteous witch! No one asked you to help! (she buckles over in pain) CLAUDIA God is growing within you. (beat) You despise me, don't you? HEATHER (angrily) You're damned right I do. CLAUDIA That's good. (exits slowly) INT. CHURCH. (CONFESSION BOOTH). HEATHER stands on the priest's side of the confession booth. A woman begins to weep on the other side. WOMAN (v/o) Dear God, please forgive me. I know I'll be put to death for the sins I've committed. And I'll go to my death gladly and with a peaceful heart. But please grant me just a small piece of your everlasting mercy. Let me see my child once within your Golden Gates. Deliver me not to Hell, but to Purgatory. Allow me to atone for my sins there. I'll stand within the very Flames of Redemption, no matter how they burn me. Forgive me for my wicked act of revenge. And deliver the soul of my poor murdered daughter. Please also care for the soul of the girl whose life I've taken. God, I'm a child, trembling with fear as I stare at death. Soothe my tortured soul with your infinite mercy. Please forgive me. There is a long moment of silence while HEATHER contemplates her reply. HEATHER I forgive you. WOMAN (v/o) Thank you, Lord.* INT. LIBRARY. HEATHER is looking at something on a table. She turns when VINCENT approaches, apparently in the midst of a book he is holding. VINCENT acts similarly surprised upon spotting HEATHER. VINCENT Hiya, Heather. HEATHER You show up everywhere, don't you? VINCENT You make me sound like some kind of unwanted pest. HEATHER Well who are you anyway? VINCENT Haven't you realized that yet? HEATHER Yeah, you're on Claudia's side. VINCENT I told you not to put me in the same category as that madwoman. HEATHER Well, you're pretty loony yourself. VINCENT It's true we believe in the same god, but I'm quite sane. HEATHER So why did you help me out then? Was that also part of trying to resurrect god? VINCENT It's not uncommon for people to worship the same god and still disagree. HEATHER "God"? Are you sure you don't mean "Devil"? VINCENT Whichever you like. The point is that now I really am on your side. I don't want god to be born. It wouldn't be convenient. Much too unpredictable. HEATHER So you've been using me to stop Claudia, is that it? Do your own dirty work. VINCENT My dirty work? I think we both had our own interests in mind. You hate her too, don't you. You're the only one who can get it done. I don't have powers like you two. Besides, I always hated getting all hot and sweaty. HEATHER (amused) Oh, really? VINCENT I'm just looking out for myself. Everyone does it. Don't stand there looking so smug. You're the worst person in this room. You come here and enjoy spilling their blood and listening to them cry out. You feel excited when you step on them and snuff out their lives. HEATHER Are you talking about the monsters? VINCENT Monsters…? They looked like monsters to you? HEATHER gasps, covering her mouth and backing up into the wall, clearly horrified at what he is suggesting. VINCENT (sneering) Don't worry, it's just a joke. (stepping toward the bookcase) By the way, I forgot to ask you. Did you get the seal of Metatron? HEATHER What's that? VINCENT (turns abruptly) You don't have it!? (frantically approaches HEATHER) Leonard was carrying it! HEATHER (searching her pockets and turning up the object she found after she defeated Leonard) You mean this thing? VINCENT (relieved) Yes! That's it. As long as we have that, we're fine. (produces a book and hands it to HEATHER) Here, take this. HEATHER takes the book hesitantly, and VINCENT walks away. INT. CHURCH. HEATHER puts an audio tape into a player, and we listen. VINCENT (v/o) Do you know about what happened here 17 years ago? You've been here a long time. You must have heard some details. CULT MEMBER (v/o) A group of pagans, blinded by earthly desires, spit in the very face of God. They tried to use the Seal of Metatron to prevent God's awakening. But God drove the unbelievers away and threw them into the Abyss. But due to their wickedness, God was unable to be born properly. And so she has slumbered ever since in the womb of the Holy Mother. Until the time of the Awakening… That's all that I know. VINCENT (v/o) (with disappointment) That's it, huh…[?] Well, thanks. CULT MEMBER (v/o) Father Vincent. I heard that the Holy Mother has been found. Is it true? VINCENT (v/o) Alessa has been found? Did Claudia say that? CULT MEMBER (v/o) Yes. VINCENT (v/o) Then it must be true. Her Sight rarely fails her. CULT MEMBER (v/o) Bless the Lord! VINCENT (v/o) Maybe it's because of her great faith. But I could never be like her. I wouldn't want to. CULT MEMBER (v/o) Nor I. The truth is Sister Claudia frightens me a little. VINCENT (v/o) Well now, let's both show our faith by forgetting about this little talk. Okay? CULT MEMBER (v/o) Yes. But does that mean that this land will finally be the Home of the Eternal Paradise? VINCENT (v/o) If God wills it, my sister. If God wills it. INT. CHURCH (OTHERSIDE). CLAUDIA stands before an imposing altar. VINCENT approaches her from the back of the "church" area. VINCENT What do I want? Well, for the two of you to die. That would be nice. Then I could relax. CLAUDIA (frustrated) When did you stop believing in God? God lives. (gesturing) Just look around you. VINCENT (approaching CLAUDIA) But I do believe in her. In my own way. I fear Her and I adore Her. But I haven't lost my mind like you. You think that this is the work of God? Isn't this all nothing more than your own personal nightmare? Just like Alessa 17 years ago[?]. If this really is the work of God, then I'd say She has lousy taste. CLAUDIA You mock God!? Traitor. (pointing) You will go to Hell. VINCENT (shakes his fist, almost losing control) Not that again! (recovering) Who do you think you are, claiming to know God's will!? CLAUDIA Go home, Vincent. VINCENT Home? This church is my home. I built it with my power. The power of money that you view with such scorn. Although, I admit that this atrocious scenery is all yours. CLAUDIA If you continue to get in my way… VINCENT (turns toward her) Then you'll kill me? VINCENT starts toward the door and then halts just as quickly when HEATHER steps through it. VINCENT (sarcastically) Well, the guest of honor has arrived. Let's get this party started. Heather, go ahead and kill this crazy bitch. This demon who claims to speak for God. The time has come. You can kill her now. CLAUDIA (to VINCENT, enraged) You'll go to hell! CLAUDIA approaches VINCENT from behind and stabs him—literally—in the back. He turns, choking, as he falls to the floor. CLAUDIA stands over him triumphantly, still holding the knife. HEATHER is stunned. HEATHER (approaching CLAUDIA) What did you do? CLAUDIA (nonchalantly) Oh, nothing important. HEATHER You're not going to run? I guess this is the end. CLAUDIA No, the beginning. As Vincent said: The time has come. Alessa, I'm saddened that you didn't agree to this on your own. But I thank you for nurturing God with all the hate in your heart. It's time for Mankind to be released from the shackles of sin which bind them. HEATHER But a God born from hatred can never create a perfect paradise! CLAUDIA Happy people can be so cruel. Is it so hard to believe that sympathy could have be born out of pain and suffering? Why do you reject God's mercy? Why do you cling to this corrupt world? You know that only God can save us. HEATHER And save you too? Happy ending? I'd rather go to Hell. CLAUDIA No, I don't expect to be saved. That's fine. Alessa, my dearest. For the pain that I've caused you, I deserve no mercy. Even if it was to save Mankind, it was too deep a sin. It was hubris for me to try to hasten the day of Her arrival. Sacrifices were made, and those are my sins. VINCENT (weakly, with blood coming out of his mouth) If you feel so guilty about it, why don't you go to Hell [?]! Heather, use the Seal! CLAUDIA Vincent? HEATHER produces the seal. CLAUDIA (surprised) The seal of Metatron[?]! VINCENT Now your stupid dream is over! CLAUDIA Oh. That's just a piece of junk. What do you think you can do with that? Do your really think it can kill God? I'm sorry to see you fell for my father's foolishness. VINCENT What!? CLAUDIA You're pathetic. (she stabs him again for the final time and rises, placing her hands together as if to pray) But God loves even you. (turns to HEATHER) Now Alessa, there's nowhere else to run. HEATHER doubles over in what is one of her worst fits yet, her skin turning red and bloody just like the version of ALESSA she fought on the carousel. CLAUDIA Just accept it, Alessa. The pain will disappear. Oh, I've been waiting so long for this. Even as a child, I knew I would see the coming of this day. I knew I would be a witness to it. (raises her hands, smiling) Judgment Day! The noise suddenly stops as HEATHER begins to rise, her skin becoming normal again. CLAUDIA frowns, dropping her arms. CLAUDIA Alessa! HEATHER Shut your stinking mouth, bitch! INT. CHURCH (OTHERSIDE). CLAUDIA stands across from HEATHER as she considers the object in her palm. Harry's pendant is now split into two halves, revealing a small red ball at the center. CLAUDIA What are you doing? HEATHER (whispers) Dad… HEATHER swallows the red ball to initially little effect, but within moments, she begins to retch, doubling over in pain. CLAUDIA She is nearly here. As HEATHER continues to retch, CLAUDIA begins to realize that something is amiss. CLAUDIA (leans toward HEATHER) What is it? (urgently) Alessa, what have you done? What did you swallow!? HEATHER vomits something red onto the floor and backs away quickly. A CLOSE UP reveals a twitching fetus on the ground. It is red and black and pulses in the same way that HEATHER's skin did when she was having one of her fits. CLAUDIA (with horror) What is this….!? HEATHER (standing) (sneering) Looks like God didn't make it. HEATHER approaches the fetus as if to destroy it, but CLAUDIA lunges forward, pushing HEATHER away. CLAUDIA Stop! (in concern, picking up the fetus) God is…! HEATHER (with horror, realizing what CLAUDIA is about to do) Claudia… HEATHER turns away in disgust as CLAUDIA swallows the fetus. As Claudia speaks, her skin begins to grow red as HEATHER's had earlier, and she bends over, gasping for breath. CLAUDIA Alessa, you cannot kill God. I will… I will birth God… (clutching at her chest) If you can't do it, Alessa, I will… CLAUDIA screams and looks toward the ceiling of the church. HEATHER Claudia? Claudia!? CLAUDIA staggers brokenly to the raised platform at the front of the church, behind the altar. She stands in front of a long hole in the floor and raises her arms to the sky. Blood begins to pool at her feet just before she starts to sink down into the hole. In a flash, a monster-like creature emerges from her crouched body and tears a hole in the floor, disappearing into the dark. HEATHER approaches the hole, looking down into it. INT. CHURCH (OTHERSIDE). HEATHER is as we left her, still staring down into the hole left by Claudia. She steps closer warily as the screen flickers and the picture becomes distorted. CUT TO black as Heather jumps into the hole. INT. CIRCULAR CHAMBER (OTHERSIDE). A large, circular room. CUT TO GOD, a large, skeleton-like creature, as it stands, and then to VALTIEL, who is climbing around the perimeter of the room slowly. VALTIEL approaches the GOD. We can see its distorted, bluish face just before VALTIEL clamps something mask-like down on it. CUT TO HEATHER, who is crouched on the floor. She looks up to see CLAUDIA's body lying in the center of the room. HEATHER stands and approaches. HEATHER (to the body) You can't be dead. I was going to kill you! (notices the monster) This is God…? INT. CIRCULAR CHAMBER (OTHERSIDE). GOD twitches in the final throes of death before stilling completely. HEATHER takes a breath, and then rushes at GOD, kicking it several times in the head. She steps back and pants, exhausted, and then turns to leave. HEATHER (walking away) Is that the end? I guess it's time to roll the credits. As HEATHER continues to walk away, she becomes more and more visibly upset, until she crumbles to the floor, crying. HEATHER Dad… dad* Eventually she stands, recovering, turning back once to look at the dead GOD before she leaves the room. ++NORMAL ENDING++ EXT. AMUSEMENT PARK. The park has been restored to its normal condition, but remains dark and quiet. We get a long shot of the still carousel as HEATHER walks through the park. Eventually we CUT TO DOUGLAS, who is still injured, but is now sitting on a park bench next to the carousel. He rouses as HEATHER approaches, smiling a bit. DOUGLAS Heather! Is it really over? HEATHER (quietly) Not yet… (she raises a knife and approaches DOUGLAS as if to do him injury) You're still alive. DOUGLAS sputters as HEATHER approaches and then suddenly stops, laughing. HEATHER Just a joke. DOUGLAS You've got terrible taste. HEATHER (still laughing) I'm sorry. DOUGLAS Heather, did you… HEATHER You don't have to call me that. I'm not hiding any more. DOUGLAS You want me to use your real name? What was it again… HEATHER Cheryl. The name my father gave me. DOUGLAS You gonna let your hair color go back too? HEATHER I dunno. Don't you think blondes have more fun? (she touches her hair) ++POSSESSED ENDING++ EXT. AMUSEMENT PARK. CLOSE UP on the grated floor where it is stained with blood. CUT TO HEATHER, who is holding a knife. CUT TO a man's feet. As the camera slowly pans up his prone body, we come to realize that the man is—was— DOUGLAS CARTLAND. HEATHER stares at the body for a few minutes, surveying her work, until we FADE to black. ++REVENGE ENDING++ INT. APARTMENT (LIVING ROOM). The entire scene is rendered in comic-like still shots. HEATHER (enters and closes the door) I'm home, Dad. Listen… Something crazy is going on. CUT to the dinner table, where HARRY MASON is enjoying tea with one of his extra- terrestrial friends. HARRY (in a strange, alien voice) Cheryl, you're back. What happened? HEATHER Well, it's like this… FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN. HEATHER And that's about it. HARRY Oh, my poor little Cheryl. I can't believe that! CUT to a shot of HARRY in mid air as he spars with JAMES SUNDERLAND. The alien looks on, still drinking tea. HARRY I'm going to Silent Hill and I'm gonna bust some heads! HEATHER Oh, dad! You're the coolest! CUT TO EXT. SILENT HILL. Spaceships fly into view and simultaneously blast the town's buildings below. When the smoke clears, all that's left is a crooked telephone poll and a sign on the ground that reads "Silent Hill." The spaceships leave the way they came.