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Lynnie's Page's the're here, at my page. Which means that u came here for a reason, right? Now, what that reason is...I dont know...but there's lotsa stuff to do here, even if u came by accident! 1st and foremost--my info, just a bunch of my endless babble that I thought u might like to read, and hey! You might get a kick out of it...who knows--go read it. Next, read about me and Becky, Amber, PEDEWACKER, my sis, Cathy, and soon to come, SAGSTER!...the links are down at the bottom of the page--they all have pix on them! (right Bec? *evil cackle*) And now, on to the good stuff...there are FOURTEEN count 'em, FOURTEEN...big-bad-pages of pix for u to look at. More are coming, too, so dont be disappointed if ur not in any of them or if u just wanna see more. K? ok. PROM PIX ARE HERE!!!, I have three pages done, and i have tons more pix to post, if u guys want! hehe Now, the last and MOST IMPORTANT THING. *drumroll* da-da-da!!!! The Guestbook...hehe i know u guys dont wanna do it, but just be cool and sign the stupid thing and make me happy,ok? or else i might have to come after you...hehe J/K! k...well, have fun guys! l8r!!! oh yeah1 someone email me and remind me to get pix scanned from my sweet 16--wayy back in feb. AND my las vegas pix!, i'll get around to them sooner or later...if u reeeeeealy wand to see 'em then u gotta remind me cuz as most of u know, i'm pretty stupid and forgetful sometimes...thanks! and enjoy :) :P--btw, i appreciate FEEDBACK-so leave me some suggestions in the guestbook--i check it periodically, OR just email me! that easy! :) Official Purity Test

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10 Things I Hate About Life

Check These Out---NOW!!

SoMe CoOl PiX
My InFo
My Buds' Sites
MoRe PiX
England Pix
Sign My Guestbook!!!
Read 'bout me and Scumbag<--my bestest bud
Me And AmBeE!!
Randy Pix--he's my dog
Read 'bout me and CATHY--my sis
baby pix
PeDeWaCkO 'n' ChRiSsY
DorNey Park Pix
MoRe DorNey Park Pix
Guess--even MORE DorNey Park Pix
Take my survey thingy!:)
Winter Ball pix...not really working right...but go see the prom pix!
Prom Pix #1
Prom Pix #2
Prom Pix #3
Steph's Party--i stole these...haha
