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Blue Moon Estates

Febuary 2001

Well, I don't know what the groundhog said, but I'm snowed in today! Arg! Talk about getting stir crazy - I got to watch all the daytime television programs (gag!)

Please note, that I have updated this webpage in a timely manner! WOW! I know, How responsible. I don't really have any new things to show, but I'm creating a page just to show off my SM drafters (I'm making plans to make the decorator blue color on one of the bodies I just got of this mold, and when I figure it out I'm going to make the dpapled gold and blue, mua ha ha)

I got my Minuet and Darfendi back from Mel, and boy! Can I say that they are great! Minuet is a varnish bay roan blanket appaloosa - fantasic little horse! And Darfendi is a baby bay no spot little blanket appy. they are too cute! (However, my little resin display area is being overpowered on one side by the brightly color horses - American Beauty, Infinity, and Utopia are on the left and Minuet, Darfendi, and Imagine are on the right - so your eyes are imdiatly pulled to the flashy overo and the two appies - uh oh! But I threw Bongo onto the plainer side just to help even things out. And of course, Tristan, my Palmor, is back from the Spa and has his position in the middle of the others.

Still looking for the Peter Stone Ideal Stock Horse Kenny Rogers or Ratchett to my collection. I will trade things off my saleslist for him or a CM. Always looking for Kathleen Moody resins! I don't have Aristotle/Plato, Magnificence, Let's Fiesta, Simply Splendid. Will trade/buy these guys! E-mail me if you have any of these models and want to work something out with me.

Oh yes, and a shameless plug here. Mel's put out a few new resins... Check out her stuff by following this link... You won't regret it! (You're wallet might, but... )

Until next time,

Carpe diem!!!

If you have a resin or model you want painted, e-mail Mel at or

Till next Time...Onwards and Upwards! Upwards and Onwards! Not left right nor down, onwards and upwards and always spinning, spinning, SPINNING!!! BTW,Beware the Jade Monkey. The BAGELS are coming. And the flying toasters will aid us... ~Sarah~

Frodo's watching you!!

For you convience... (c=

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