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Hey guys...
Sorry, but I think im gonna close down this site. I got a lot of stuff going on, and I just don't have the time for it anymore. Well, anyways, if my band ever gets our act together enough to actually practice, I'll make this page about us, we dont have a name yet. I play bass. OK so now the band is me and my 2 best friends since like kindergarten and in theory we are a ska band, but we still havent practiced....
Here's what I have of a website for you.
You give me a bible
And take away my freedom
No rights No choice
Nothing but religion

You say to get to heaven
I've got to obey your rules
But I decide for myself
Not gonna be your tool

Christian or Moslem
It's always the same
They all want subjugation
They've just changed the name

Do your dirty deeds
Take advantage of the poor
Put your money on the plate
God's keeping score

Need to be told what to do
Need someone else's eyes to see
I don't got your blind faith
So don't push it on me
A Real Audio Sample