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This is the recognized website of the Incipient Shire of Ascalon.
It is not an official publication of Medieval Scenarios and Recreations, Ltd., and does not delineate their policies.

Welcome to the Shire of Ascalon. We are a geographical division of the Kingdom of Acre, representing to the North the lands known Middlesex excluding Dunellen, and Westerly being Mercer East to the waters of Ayn Jalute. Thence below the lands of Burlington, Monmouth, and to the Great Sea being Camden, Glouster, Salem, Ocean, Atlantic, Cumberland and Cape May.

The Holy Kingdom of Acre is dedicated to the pursuit of the Middle Ages, not as they should have been but as they were. We engage in study and reenactment to further our understanding of this most dynamic time period in our history. We support the kingdom in many ways including our local armored combat practice, weekly archery practice and local events which usually consist of tournaments and a bountiful feast.

Shire's Charter

As to our shire's officer contacts...

Lady Anna L'Claire

serves as Steward

Lady Tracy of Woodenbridge
serves as Lt. of Archers and Exchequer

Lord Erec L'Claire serves as Reeve
< href="">Lord Richard of Woodenbridge serves as Herald
Lord Jorge Corbin de Russ serves as Lt. of Fence

Prythee touch thyn worthy sword to the arms of we nobles of Ascalon and our friends to visit us well, or mayhaps upon our scrolls to hear us spake in sooth unto thee well!
All are most welcome!

This website is gleefully maintained by Ragnarr Dragonheart