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Welcome to Angie's Webpage


I would like to thank Pete for giving me this most prestigious award as well, I would like to thank anyone who has come to my site because without your support the following awards would not have been made possible. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I love you all! Sock monkeys rule and I love Pete!!!


Greetings everyone! For anybody that actually checks up on my site, you of course have noticed I have not kept any of my promises to update so tonight I thought why not. lol. Now granted, major construction will not be going on tonight, just some minor changes but thats ok. Every little bit helps I guess. I hope you all continue to check back with me. I hope to improve my site and maybe put some better pictures on with my digital camera and do some video type stuff because that would be just swell, now wouldn't it? woohoo!

2/9/01 Today marks Pete and mine's 1 and a half year anniversary!! yea!! the best time of my life and in about 2 weeks, we will be in orlando together where we first met!!!! and then we will get to see each other once a month for the next few months so not too shabby! I love you Pete!!

In other news, I was accepted to the American University in DC and Pete is going to Fairleigh Dickison in NJ. Yea! My New Yorker is becoming a Jersey boy but its ok. still my New Yorker. =) But I will be majoring in communications and I have not decided if I will be the next Barbara Walters or like my relative Stephen Speildberg (let me believe i'm related to him, ok?) lol. But there's that! and that's about all ill report on for right now! Just search around for updates and hopefully I will continue soon.

Sock Monkeys!


The Perfect Guy!

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Other important sites:

Pete and Angie's Chat Room

Pete's Homepage
Pete's Angie Page

Pete's Video for me

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