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The Dixie Chicks

They Came To NYC & Conquered!!

Yes, that's right, the Dixie Chicks came to NYC July 19th and July 20th. We were able to see them on the 20th. This is the photo outside Radio City Music Hall -- note those two wonderful words "Sold Out." Who says Northerner's don't like Country Music???

Setting Up The Stage For The Greatest Group on Earth

Here, the stage hands and security guards help set-up the stage for the world-renowned Chicks. The stage is set up to look like a giant pair of jeans, but when the fly "pops" open, the Chicks are "Ready to Run"!

Here's Emily!

The Chicks started off their concert with the ever popular song, "Ready To Run" off both their 'Fly' CD and the "Runaway Bride" soundtrack.

Click Here For More Concert Photos