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Hi! My name is Amy. I am almost 15 years old (I will be in November) and a Sophomore in high school. For additional information, click on the link below and read about my clubs,hobbies, and favorite sports. Also, on my page, your tour guide is Simba. If you see him that means their is link to another page in my site or a link to come back to this page and finish looking at it. When you see him, read what he says. When linking back here he will tell you to sign my guestbook.

All About Me!

Simba says,"That looks interesting, why don't you take me in so I can read it."

After that, look at a list of my friends, and some "better points" of New Jersey, and link to some funny facts about the presidents. Finally, when you've checked out every nook and cranny of my site, please sign my guestbook. There is a blue rectangle that says guestbook, it is right above the link to sign it.


Please sign my guestbook. I'd like to hear from you. Sign My Guestbook
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Here is a List of Some of My Friends

(**To end all fights about which friend is better, They are now listed in alphabetical order**)



Diana D.

Diana Z.








I have to stop the list here, it's getting a little long. Sorry to those of you who I missed!

Sylvester is one of my favorite characters to draw. Isn't this a great animation!

Now, that you know about me, I'll tell you some of the better points about New Jersey!

The number 1 point is that I LIVE HERE!

Garden State Plaza, located in Paramus,NJ, is the second biggest mall in the USA!

Parts of Bergen County were in the movie, "Ransom".

There is a Great Adventure located here.

Only a short trip to NYC. That means Broadway plays, Rockerfeller Center, museums, etc.

Speaking of museums, you can visit the Liberty Science Center, a cool hands-on museum.

New Jersey is on the Atlantic coast so there are a lot of beaches!

Check out some funny facts about the presidents. They are really weird. Guess What? It doesn't take much effort either! All you have to do is click on the link below!

Funny Facts about the Presidents

Simba says,"I like a good laugh, let's check it out!"

My Other Cool Pages!

Just in case you didn't notice it on my all about me page, here is the link to my "Party of Five" page!

Check out my awesome "Party of Five" Page!

All New! My friend, Eleonora and I have created the "Wild and Crazy Dreams" Newsletter and Page! Click here to get the info!

This is the first home page that I have created so I hope you enjoy it. Check out my links.

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My Favorite Links

Visit the Aeropostale site and print off coupons for your next purchase.
If you enjoy watching gymnastics, visit this site.
Disney still is one of my favorite sites.
If you own a Nintendo system, check out this site to find some great codes for your favorite games.
Visit my friend ,Eleonora ,at her home page.
Visit my friend, Ilana, at her page.
Check out my brother, Mark, at his home page.
Warner Brothers
