6.00 Scoring

1.00 Match Preliminaries
2.00 General Playing Rules
3.00 Challenge Series
4.00 Tournaments
5.00 Terms
6.00 Official Scoring
Frazier Fairgrounds Map

6.00 Official Scoring

6.01 Scoring for a Challenge series is based on how many games a player wins. Each match won, counts towards the overall challenge.

6.02 The playing seasons are divided into four parts. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Each Challenge series ends with the start of the new season.

6.03 Tournament scoring shall be based on a point system. Each round, points will be given out as follows:
3 player: 1st=3 points, 2nd=2, 3rd=1
4 player: 1st=4 points, 2nd=3, 3rd=2, 4th=0
5 or more players: 1st=5, 2nd=4, 3rd=2, 4th=1, 5th & 6th=0