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Tim's Rush Page

Message From the Creator

Hello I am the creator of this webpage, if you know me fine if you don't that's fine too. I am going to tell you right now that this is a page for Rush fans only, except for my Miscellaneous Links page which is in the My Links. Again I urge you to leave this site now if you hate Rush, have never heard of Rush, or don't want to learn anything about Rush. Okay now that i'm done with that I invite all you Rush fans to take a tour of my page, but before you do that I just have some stuff to say about myself. I am not the kind of person that just makes a webpage and leaves it sit there. I will update the information on this page at least once a month maybe sooner. I urge you to check out all the areas and drop me a line about my page. If you have any questions i'll try to answer them as best I can but I will get back to you. Thank you and have a great time exploring. I would also immensly appreciate if you would sign my guestbook if you haven't already. I want to keep track of who comes to my page. Thanx.
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Copyright 1998. Webmaster Tim. All rights reserved. Please do not take or copy any information or pictures of these pages, some of it is not mine! Credit and thanks are given to the people that made this possible in the My Thanks Page section. Thank You.