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Soviet Units & Structures

Construction Yard
You need an MCV to build a construction yard. If your constantly hammered by tank fire, build a concrete wall around it.

Power Plant
Build a power plant as your first structure. If the power to your base drops below nominal, your buildings will take damage, and active systems like radar, Tesla coils, AA guns, and gap generators will fail. Productivity will also fall

Advanced Power Plant
This provides twice the power for less cost and space than two normal power plants put together. It's easier to destroy a single advanced power plant than two normal power plants, so weigh your options.

Ore Refinery
Build more than one ore refinery. Leave space around the ore refinery for the ore trucks to navigate. Each refinery has enough storage space for 2000 credits worth of ore.

Ore Silo
Each silo can hold 1500 credits worth of ore. The ore is divided equally between all your silos and refineries. If you run out of space, any ore you mine is wasted.

Build a barracks after the power plant. In early stages of the game, it might be your only defense.

Attack dogs are trained in this facility.

War Factory
War factories produce the vehicles you need to fight your battles. Leave space around it for vehicles to maneuver.

Sub Pen
Sub pens allow you to build and repair submarines and transports. Stay on the lookout for spies. Don't let them gain a sonar pulse.

Airfields are heavily armored, but the aircraft they harbor are not. Giving your enemies a free shot at your planes is a dumb thing to do, so keep them to the rear. Air crews can reload one ammo unit every two and a half seconds.

Helicopters reload and rearm from here. Each ammo rock takes two and a half seconds to reload.

Service Depot
Build the service depot near your front lines so it doesn't take too long to get units back home to repair. It repairs aircraft just as well as vehicles, but you can not select multiple aircraft to repair like you can with vehicles. The service depot repairs 10 points of damage every time it goes 'tick'. You can sell vehicles for half of their purchase cost by sending them to the vehicle depot and clicking on the sell icon.

Radar Dome
The dome will give you a radar system that shows the whereabouts of enemy units and building in explored territory.

Technology Center
Enables the construction of advanced buildings and vehicles.

Flame Tower
Armored flame-throwers on steroids, this automated system launches exploding fireballs. These are great against infantry and buildings, but tend to not do more than scorch the paint of heavy tanks and vehicles. Allied rocket infantry can take them out from a distance since their rockets have greater range.

Tesla Coil
The Tesla coil is the best defense against enemy land and sea units. The arcing electricity will destroy a light tank outright. It takes eight seconds for the Tesla coil capacitors to recharge.

SAM Site
This is the only anti-aircraft structure at our disposal. Five direct hits will down an enemy chopper, and two will ruin a jet or propeller plane

Iron Curtain
The Iron Curtain will change the molecular structure of a unit, making it impervious to all damage. This effect lasts for 45 seconds.

Missile Silo
Launches atom bombs.

Barbed Wire Fence
Twice as strong as sandbags, but tanks and other tracked vehicles are still able to bulldoze through.

Concrete Wall
Not even the heaviest tanks can pass through concrete walls. Use concrete barriers to block access to the base, to protect vital structures, and to herd enemy units into chokepoint kill zones. Concrete will block line-of- sight weapons like rockets and tank rounds, but not artillery or similar ordnance.


Attack Dog
They can detect spies and kill any infantry unit instantly. If dogs are needed somewhere in a hurry, command them to attack a unit near the location they are needed, and they'll run 50 percent faster.

Rifle Infantry
Most useful in numbers. They can take a lot of fire from tanks and turrets before dying. They are cheap, and can be used as fodder to lure enemy tanks and soldiers into ambushes.

Grenadiers explode when they die, so keep injured grenadiers away from healthy units.

Flame Infantry
Their flame-throwers have a wide splash area. Friendly fire isn't.

Only structures that have over 75 percent structural damage can be taken over by an engineer. If the arrows are red, the engineer can only damage the building. When it is green, it's okay to take it over. Engineers can repair friendly structures back to full health.

Mine Layer
Anti-infantry mines are destroyed by vehicles passing over them. Use them to lay personnel mines around your sub pens or other structures prone to infiltration.

Ore Truck
The ore truck is the most important unit in the game. If you destroy your enemy's ore truck, he'll starve to death, and the same also applies to you. The computer gives high priority to defending its ore trucks, but a quick, decisive strike will destroy the ore truck before reinforcements arrive.

V2 Rocket Launcher
These rockets have a range of ten squares. Two rockets can destroy camouflaged pillboxes. Three rockets will take out turrets and AA guns. Slow units like infantry and cruisers are also easy to hit with V2 rockets. he launchers themselves are only lightly armored, so keep them out of close combat.

Heavy Tank
In packs of five or more, they are fearsome. The key to destroying heavy tanks is to either spread their weapons fire, or to blow them up with mines.

Mammoth Tank
The mammoth is armed with twin 120mm cannons, and if damaged, can self heal up to 50 percent of its hit points. It's mammoth tusk missile is effective against infantry and airplanes, but not very good against helicopters. It's a slow tank, and takes five seconds to reload. If you're trying to destroy a mammoth tank, make sure you kill the weaker tanks around it first. Mammoths are sitting ducks without their supporting units.

Mobile construction vehicles are necessary to build construction yards.


Its high speed and armor make it very effective at charting unexplored waters. It can hold five land units of any type. If you stick your infantry into APCs before loading, you can transport 25 of them.

Submarines work best in packs. They can fire at ships 9 squares away and are invisible when submerged. Submarines in guard mode will attack any ships that come into range.


An empty Yak fighter can reload in 40 seconds. Yaks are good for strafing infantry and destroying light vehicles and structures. The strafing run begins one square in front of the target. The Yak will open fire and walk the bullets to the target.

An empty MiG can reload in eight seconds. They are very fast, but delicate. Six MiG fighters together will destroy any structure or unit in the game.

An empty Hind chopper can reload in 30 seconds. Hind choppers carry the same chaingun as the Yak, but instead of walking their fire, they hover over a fixed vantage point.

Transport helicopters only appear in multiplayer games. A transport helicopter can carry five infantry units.


Iron Curtain
Charges every 11 minutes. Renders a unit or structure invulnerable for 45 seconds.

Charges every 13 minutes. The atomic warhead does widespread damage at ground zero. Big and unprotected targets like buildings get vaporized, but because armored units are low to the ground, airtight, made of metal, and very heavily protected, they are much less vulnerable to the effects.

Charges every 14 minutes. Parabombs are really inaccurate, and unless your target is fairly large, you can forget about scoring any direct hits. Each time you drop parabombs, the plane will arrive from a different direction, making it almost impossible to predict the path of destruction. Each of the five bomblets has the explosive power of two artillery shells.

Charges every seven minutes. You can drop paratroopers anywhere on the map, even in place you've not yet explored. Use paratroopers to scout a distant area of map, or to destroy power plants and other critical buildings in an unprotected area of an enemy camp.

Spy Plane
Charges every three minutes. The spy plane can take a lot of AA damage, so don't be afraid to send it downtown. You can use it to spot enemy air defenses by using it this way.
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