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Red Alert Cheats

Welcome to my Red ALert Cheats Page. Here I have gathered all of the cheats for Red Alert that I know of. If you know of any more them to me and I will give you full credit.
Rocket propelled grenades
To throw grenades farther than normal, slow the game down to slowest, then force attack on a square that is in normal range. Without taking your finger off the Control key, wait until the grenadier has just started to throw and then click on a square way far away. The grenadier will throw the grenade and then start walking towards where he threw it, so make sure you tell him to stop walking there. With practice, you will be able to do this with ease, and maybe even when the game is speeded up.

Break the speed limits!
Don't you hate it when you have a group of units and they all move different speeds? Here is a trick to make them equals. Make a group of slow units. (We'll say ore trucks) Then put a fast unit in the group with them. (APC) Now, make them into a formation by pushing 'F', and the group will move as fast as your APC. This works great with cruisers, MCV's, and maybe Hinds. (I haven't tried air units yet.)

Miracle Ore-grow cheat
Don't you hate having to wait for ore patches to grow back? The speed it goes and the time that it takes is just a big pain. Here is a trick to make little depleted ore patches to become big, healthy ones again. Save the game when the screen has lots of baby patches on it, then exit and re-load it. Now the little baby patches are nice big daddy growths!

Edit the rules.ini
You can edit the Red Alert rules to make changes to units, terrain, weapons, sides, (England, Greece, Spain, etc...), and other game limits. To edit the Red Alert rules, open the Redalert.mix file, (it is a .mix file located in your red alert directory. To get into the directory, click start, programs, windows explorer. Using the left scroll bar, scroll down until the Westwood folder appears. Click the + sign that is next to it and then double click on the Red Alert folder. Now on the right hand side of the explorer, all the files in the red alert folder will show up. Scroll down with the right scroll bar until you can see the Redalert.mix file), with wordpad, but un-check the box on the 'Open With' window that says, "Always use this program to open this file," otherwise it will change that file and mess up Red Alert. Now, it takes a minute to open this 25mb file, so when it is completely done, scroll slowly down to the section that is in english, and select the whole english section, except the credits at the end. Copy this section and paste it in a new wordpad file, and save that new file as 'Rules.ini', then put it in your red alert file. You can change the values in this file, and they will override the original ones. Be careful to only change things that you are sure what that will do. If you get the file all screwed up, put it in another folder or delete it, and everything should be back to normal.

Super Spies
After you have done the above, you can make spies have Sniper Rifles! Go to the rules.ini file and scroll down near the bottom to the weapons properties section, and change the range of the sniper rifle to whatever you want, and up the damage. Now, go up to the Spy properties and add a new line 2 lines from the top property. Put this line there: Primary=Sniper Now, your spies can snipe the bad guys just like tanya, but you might want to change this back to normal if you are playing Soviets.
Glasses for planes
Don't you think that is dumb that flying units can't see? I mean, they should see farther than any unit! Once you have made a rules.ini file, (see above), go to any air unit's properties and change the sight to about 20. I think that this is not a cheat and only makes it more realistic.

Real tanks
I hate the way that tank shells deal like, no damage to infantry. If you want to give them a Ranger's Machine gun, go to the rules.ini file, (if you don't have one, see above), and make a line in any tank's properties under the line that says Primary=X. The new line will say: Secondry=M60mg. If there is already a line that says Secondary=X, then change the X to M60mg. Now, when you shoot infantry, your tanks will use the machine gun to massacre them!!

Long-range V2s
The V2 rocket has a long range, but real ones have a much longer range. Go to the rules.ini file (see above) and change the range of V2 to about 30. I would also change the speed of the V2 rocket to something like 35, so it is easier to hit moving targets. The rocket properties are located near the bottom of the rules file, and you can change the damage dealt and other things, too.

Helicopter Carrier
There is a secret unit in Aftermath- The Heli Carrier! It is a boat that looks like a big barrel and holds and reloads five apaches. To get it, go to the Expand2.mix file in your Red Alert directory. Open it with WordPad, but make sure you un-check the box that says "Always use this program to open this file" because that will really screw things up. Scroll down until you find the section that is written in english, and change the tech level of the Heli Carrier to 1. Now, when you have a Tech center and a Naval yard, you can build the Carrier. To get the Apaches out, tell the Helicarrier to attack somewhere, and the apaches will come out and attack there. NOTE: You need Aftermath for this cheat.

Phase Transport
Here is another hidden unit- The phase transport! It is a 1 man APC with missiles that cloaks. It will un-cloak whenever it touches a unit, so be careful. To get it, go to the Expand2.mix file in your Red Alert directory. Open it with WordPad, but make sure you un-check the box that says "Always use this program to open this file" because that will really screw things up. Scroll down until you find the section that is written in english, and change the tech level of the Phase Transport to 1. When you have a Tech Center and a War Factory, you can build the new transport. It is really good for sneaking engineers and Tanyas up to a construction yard. I think that it uncloaks when you fire the missles, so watch out! NOTE: You need Aftermath for this cheat.

Traitor Units!!!
Wan't the Allies to have Tesla Coils and Mammoth tanks, or the Soviets to have Advanced Tech Centers and Chronospheres? If this interests you, do the following: In the rules.ini file, find the unit that you want to change. Then, where it says "Owner = Soviets"(or whatever the owner is) change it to "Owner=Soviets, Allies" or "Owner=Allies". Then the teams listed there will have that unit/building. Remember if you give allies subpens, they can't build subs unless on the sub's rules it says "Owner=Soviet,allies" or "Owner = Allies".
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