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Allied Units & Structures

Construction Yard
You need an MCV to build a construction yard. If your constantly hammered by tank fire, build a concrete wall around it.

Power Plant
Build a power plant as your first structure. If the power to your base drops below nominal, your buildings will take damage, and active systems like radar, Tesla coils, AA guns, and gap generators will fail. Productivity will also fall.

Advanced Power Plant
This provides twice the power for less cost and space than two normal power plants put together. It's easier to destroy a single advanced power plant than two normal power plants, so weigh your options.

Ore Refinery
Build more than one ore refinery. Leave space around the ore refinery for the ore trucks to navigate. Each refinery has enough storage space for 2000 credits worth of ore.

Ore Silo
Each silo can hold 1500 credits worth of ore. The ore is divided equally between all your silos and refineries. If you run out of space, any ore you mine is wasted.

Build a barracks after the power plant. In early stages of the game, it might be your only defense.

War Factory
War factories produce the vehicles you need to fight your battles. Leave space around it for vehicles to maneuver.

Naval Yard
Naval yards can only be built on water, and within eight squares of an existing base structure. The computer will give priority to naval yards when choosing a structure to attack.

Helicopters reload and rearm from here. Each ammo rock takes two and a half seconds to reload.

These are infantry shredders, and are wonderful against engineer incursions.

Camouflaged Pillbox
They are tough to spot and destroy than regular pillboxes.

The turret is an anti-tank weapon with heavy armor. Repair them in the midst of combat.

AA Gun
They'll knock MiGs, bombers, spy planes, and helicopters out of the sky. The guns are heavily armored, and fire rapidly. They are most effective in groups of two or more. Deploy them several squares in front of units you wish to protect. Knock out the planes before they get to their targets, not when they are dropping bombs on them.

Service Depot
Build the service depot near your front lines so it doesn't take too long to get units back home to repair. It repairs aircraft just as well as vehicles, but you can not select multiple aircraft to repair like you can with vehicles. The service depot repairs 10 points of damage every time it goes 'tick'. You can sell vehicles for half of their purchase cost by sending them to the vehicle depot and clicking on the sell icon.

Radar Dome
The dome will give you a radar system that shows the whereabouts of enemy units and building in explored territory.

Technology Center
Enables the construction of advanced buildings and vehicles. You'll get a free GPS satellite with every purchase.

Gap Generator
Gap generators create a shroud of darkness in a 10 square radius. Enemy radar can not penetrate it unless there are enemy units inside the gap. Even then, they can only see their immediate surroundings.

The chronosphere can shift a unit to another location for a limited time by manipulating space. Frequent use of the chronosphere will trigger a chronal vortex that can appear at a random location on the map. It will actively seek out and destroy five units or buildings until it dissipates. The best way to dissipate a chronal vortex is to sacrifice rifle infantry to it. You have a 20 percent chance of getting a vortex every time you use the Chronosphere. Only vehicles can be chronoshifted to a new destination; living matter will spontaneously combust. Using the chronosphere, you can send a mine layer into an ore deposit deep in enemy territory, or shift a cruiser into firing range of an enemy base. It can also be used to send an MCV to another part of the map and set up a second base.

Infantry and light vehicles can't pass through these barriers, but if they have explosive weapons like grenades or rockets, they can blast their way through. Tracked vehicles will move through sandbags at a reduced rate.

Concrete Wall
Not even the heaviest tanks can pass through concrete walls. Use concrete barriers to block access to the base, to protect vital structures, and to herd enemy units into chokepoint kill zones. Concrete will block line-of-sight weapons like rockets and tank rounds, but not artillery or similar ordnance.

Fake Structures
Mockups of your construction yard, weapons factory, radar dome, or naval yard can confuse your enemy. However, they are nowhere near as structurally sound as your real buildings.


Rifle Infantry
Most useful in numbers. They can take a lot of fire from tanks and turrets before dying. They are cheap, and can be used as fodder to lure enemy tanks and soldiers into ambushes.

Rocket Infantry
They are excellent against both aircraft and armored vehicles. Unlike turrets or AA guns, they can be moved where they are needed most.

Only structures that have over 75 percent structural damage can be taken over by an engineer. If the arrows are red, the engineer can only damage the building. When it is green, it's okay to take it over. Engineers can repair friendly structures back to full health.

Spies look like the enemy's own infantry. A human player will certainly be suspicious of a unit that he can not control, so some subtlety is called for in multiplayer games. They make great scouts since they can pass unmolested by enemy units, but guard dogs will sniff them out with messy results. Spies can infiltrate various buildings and pass along a steady stream of intelligence. The information they can collect is as follows: Barracks, weapon factory, construction yard: Find out what units the enemy is building.

Get a sonar pulse that shows enemy subs.
Refinery, silos
Learn the financial status of your enemy.
Radar dome
rack the movement of every enemy unit, seeing what they see. In multiplayer games, you'll hear the conversations of the enemy you infiltrate. If the enemy sells a building that your spies infiltrate, your spy will emerge.

Sneak them into an enemy building to steal half their credits.

You can only train Tanya if you are in a multiplayer game. Otherwise, she's assigned to you. If Tanya ever dies in a single player mission, your mission will fail. She can kill 3 soldiers every second.

A doctor heals 50 hit points at a time, but he can't heal himself.

Mine Layer
The best weapon against tanks is a mine layer. Mine the routes used by the enemy. The best places for mines are river crossings and narrow passes. If you mine an ore patch, an ore truck is almost guaranteed to stumble onto one.

Ore Truck
The ore truck is the most important unit in the game. If you destroy your enemy's ore truck, he'll starve to death, and the same also applies to you. The computer gives high priority to defending its ore trucks, but a quick, decisive strike will destroy the ore truck before reinforcements arrive.

Rangers are inexpensive and fast, making them good for quickly exploring dark areas of the map.

The APC was meant to ferry supporting troops along with tanks. Their speed and maneuverability means they can rush through many base defenses intact to unload engineers, saboteurs, and thieves. Shove rocket infantry into an APC and escort your ore truck. If enemy airpower attacks, unload the APC to give them a nasty surprise. The speed of an APC makes it just as good for crushing personnel as it is for carrying them.

Light Tank
Light tanks have a high rate of fire. In the long run, it will deliver more damage in the same amount of time than a medium tank, but light tanks seldom last that long.

Medium Tank
The main battle tank of the Allies. It lasts a third longer in battle, and can thus squeeze off at least two more rounds than a light tank.

The long range and power of their shells give artillery a role in destroying stationary base defenses and ranks of infantry, but their weak armor and slow movement make them easy targets.

Mobile Gap Generator
A mobile gap generator will hide nearby units under a shroud of darkness. Surprise is a paramount strength in a multiplayer game, and denying an opponent from knowing the nature of your attack will leave him with an exploitable weakness.

Mobile Radar Jammer
If you move a radar jammer within 15 squares of the enemy radar dome, you will shutdown his communications and radar. This interference appears as static on the radar display. Use the confusion to launch a surprise attack, or to prevent an enemy from communicating with any allies.

Mobile construction vehicles are necessary to build construction yards.


Its high speed and armor make it very effective at charting unexplored waters. It can hold five land units of any type. If you stick your infantry into APCs before loading, you can transport 25 of them.

The gunboat is fast, and has a gun range of 5 and a half squares. Since three direct hits from a submarine will kill it, keep it moving during ASW operations. Two depth charge hits will cripple, if not destroy, a submarine.

The Stinger missiles aboard destroyers fire twice as quickly at enemy air units than land or sea targets. A destroy can attack a Tesla coil at a distance without casualty. Smart submarine commanders will attack destroyers from maximum distance.

Each shot a cruiser fires has three times the destructive power of an artillery shell. Cruisers can shoot at the water around submarines in hopes of hitting them with stray shells, but have no defenses against air targets.


An empty Longbow helicopter can pick up a full load of ammo in 15 seconds. If you target an enemy helicopter, the Longbow will chase it around firing missiles. Each of its six heat-seeking missiles is equivalent to a shot from a mammoth tank, making it a good tank buster.


GPS Satellite
Charges in eight minutes. Provides free radar coverage for the whole theater of operations.

Sonar Pulse
Charges every ten minutes. Shows the locations of all enemy submarines.

Charges every seven minutes. Moves any vehicle or ship from one destination to another for a duration of three minutes. Frequent use of the chronosphere will trigger a chronal vortex that can appear at a random location on the map. It will actively seek out and destroy five units or buildings until it dissipates. The best way to dissipate a chronal vortex is to sacrifice rifle infantry to it. You have a 20 percent chance of getting a vortex every time you use the chronosphere. Only vehicles can be chronoshifted to a new destination; living matter will spontaneously combust.Using the chronosphere, you can send a mine layer into an ore deposit deep in enemy territory, or shift a cruiser into firing range of an enemy base.It can also be used to send an MCV to another part of the map and set up a second base.
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