The First Ever Anti-Cheese and Mustard Sandwich Page

I warned you all that I was going to do this, and I'll bet that some of you didn't believe a word of it. But here it is, right in front of your screen.The first ever Anti-Cheese and Mustard Sandwich Homepage!!! I always keep my word.

Okay, now under normal circumstances I have no problem with cheese and mustard sandwiches, they include 3 out of the 4 food groups and are a healthy light snack. However, when certain guestbooks ask personal questions about foods and sexuality, well, it gets a bit on my nerves...I'm sure a majority of you have absolutely no idea whatsoever what I'm talking about, so I'm going to tell you the story about how I came to hate cheese and mustard sandwiches.

~~Once upon a time, there was a homepage called "The High Hat". And on this homepage there was a guestbook, a guestbook that I enjoyed, until I came across a question in the guestbook...too personal of a question if you ask me. As my innocent little eyes ran across the words, I was appalled at how disgusting and personal it was. "Why do you get orgasmic around cheese and mustard sandwiches?" was what it read. I thought to myself "What kind of question is that?" and immediately asked that the question be removed from the book. I certain fellow from England, who shall remain anonymous, for some odd reason, liked the question more than all of the rest. Therefore, the question was kept, and I was annoyed. Therefore, from that day foward, I made a promise to myself and all others who despised of cheese and mustard sandwiches to rid the world of the lewd snack, and make those who enjoy the company of the food see the error of their ways.~~

So you see? I have perfectly good logic behing my despise for cheese and mustard sandwiches. I'm not crazy, I just don't like perverse foods. It's all reasonable, isn't it? So in this page of mine, I am going to explain to you the many disadvantages of cheese and mustard sandwiches. I'm not like a religious fanatic that tries to "convert" people, I'm just looking out for the good of the public. Consider this page a community service project towards you all. J

*****This portion of the page is still under major constrction,

but I wanted to prove to you that I was indeed working on it.*****

The Anti-Cheese and Mustard Top Ten List
