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This may be sparse now, but that's only until I've got more time to edit it. This is essentially a page about what Witchcarft is and is not. For instance:
We don't sacrifice animals. Our rule of 3X3 (whatever you send out comes back to you three-fold) prevents us from hurting anything. As a matter of fact, most Wiccans are vegetarians. And we weren't the ones responsible for that mess in Salem, were we.
We do not use magic for any evil purposes. We do use magic, but we only use it for the good of the earth.
We don't worship the devil. We don't even believe in the devil. We believe that everything has a good side and a bad side. Even our deities. Unfortunately, our religion has been quite demonized by some Christian fellows who were a bit peeved that we liked our ways better than theirs. Thankfully, most people today are smarter than that!

Most Pagans are pretty peaceful with other people and, as I said before, we don't hurt anyone. We also have RESPECTfor all other religions, as we believe all other religions are the same as ours, the Higher Power just takes a different form to suit each person's beliefs.
And we don't believe anyone is going to hell. We all believe in reincarnation. Heck, from a Christian stand-point, if we are all born sinners, why are we given only one chance to try and get it right. Doesn't make much sense to me.
We believe all religions should be allowed to practice, no matter what they believe or how they practice. The only religious groups we don't get along with are any that are destructive or disrespectful. Fanatics of any kind are included. And you call us the religion that's going to hell?

well, for one thing, most people persecute us because they do not understand what we are. If you'd like more information quicker than I update, e-mail me.
Ok, now that this page is a little less sparse and I added in a few things... Until next update:

Blessed be until we merry meet again!

Witchiness Links!

Ravenstone(where I got the graphix)
Christine Daae's Page -- Wicca & Phantom of the Opera, my two main interests
My cousin Katie's New Age page
