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Trends are OUT!


First: DISCLAIMER! These are my opinions. Only my opinions. Direct yours to the wall behind you. If this article offends anyone. Sorry. If it makes anyone see the error of their ways, fabulous. If you like it, even more fabulous! Yadda yadda yadda....
Ok, let me start off and say that not all trends are stupid. Brushing your teeth, blowing your nose with a tissue, and actually wearing clothes to begin with are good trends. However, those skin-tight pants and shirts and those idiotic hairstyles and accessories are really pushing it. You girls wonder why guys sexually harass you! Sheesh. If you don't want to be looked at, don't make it possible for them to do so. And guys, pull your stupid pants up! Wear some decent clothes that don't make you look like a bubble. Or like you just rolled out of bed! Another trend seems to be to go without a jacket when its freezing outside. I've seen girls walking around, hugging their arms saying 'OH MY GOD, I'M SO COLD!'. If you had a jacket, I'd be sympathetic. But PU-LEEEEASE! You're such an idiot not to wear a jacket! It's in the middle of January for crying out loud! Wear a jacket! Who cares if it covers up your shirt for more than two minutes! If you catch pneumonia and die, it won't matter!
*sigh* I hate to say it, but mostly jocks and preps dress the most sensibly. Also, those who really don't give a cocoa crispie about how they look dress sensibly. I dress in a T-shirt and jeans most of the time and get told I looks like a boy...What's up with that? Guys are the only ones allowed to wear a T-shirt that doesn't show off how large my breasts are right away? If I dressed like a girl, I'd be worried I'd look like you! I tried the trends and I don't know how you do it. I hated those platform shoes. Just live with being short, ok? Those shirts are too tight and ichy! You people are so stupid it makes me sick!
Let's face it. Trends are uncomfortable, expensive (I've seen the prices on some of those outifts, ladies. Nothing beats a cheap pair of sneakers, some jeans and a cheap T-shirt!), and impractical (walking in those platforms is hell, let me tell you) Don't go for trends. Go for the opposite. Saves money, time, pain, and yourself.
