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These are my friends! DEAL WITH IT!

I admit, this is graphic-heavy, but IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE! It's a picture page!

This is me before the prom. We had to cut Gregg (my dear ex) out of the picture. If ya look close, you can see his hand behind my elbow!

This is me in the parking lot of a nearby shopping mall. Jerry took this picture and it was at night. It looks terrible, but I'm sure you'll live.

A new one of me. AND BLURRY TO BOOT! Ugh!

Me again, when I was nine. Wasn't I just so adorably cute?

Me yet again. Jose's at fault for this one. Bad kitty!

Me and my boyfriend Jay.

My best buddy Jose and his Kitty (doesn't she look so happy to be there?). They kinda look alike, doncha think? As Sara said, "Hysterically cute!"

The most appallingest picture ever. Scary! Jose at his best, though! *chuckle* I almost regret getting him those mickey mouse ears, though!

Jose posing for the camera. This is my favorite picture.

Jose and his sis Diana comparing tans. I'm not sure which is more horrifying, Jose's clothes or the color difference!

Jose in his car trying to look cool (and suceeding in looking like a terrorist)

My dear friend Kevin from TX. I don't know how old this picture is, but I'm sure he'll tell me and send me a more recent one as soon as he sees this! But still, AINT HE ADORABLE?!

My "nephew", Kique. Is he not the cutest, most adorable little baby that you've ever laid eyes on?

This is Kique's mommy, Leah, my honorary sister (people tell us we look so much alike we could be sisters!)

Yet another cuddly, adorable pic of Kique!

My friends Eric and Jen who now live in Florida.

My dear friend Jon from college.

This is my buddy Dan. He's a sweetie and one of my oldest friends now.

My old friend Sarah with her man, Mike.

Dan, Rob, and Mikey B. are on the bottom and Dave's on top. Aint they cute?

This is Tom! Isn't he just so tasty? <--he's gonna kill me for that!

Bry (he's not a morning person), Zak (he is a morning person) and a can of DEW.

This is what Bryan looks like when he's awake. And without his glasses...Oh, just print out the picture and DRAW them on his face! :)

My good buddy Kevin, who got me hopelessly lost on my first day of higschool!

My cuddle-bug kitty Phoebe.

Sara. She hates cameras. And people. But sometimes she's so cute it's almost worth getting disembowled to snuggle her.

The lover-boy babycat, Henry.

I FINALLY HAVE A GOOD AMOUNT OF PICTURES! YAY! If anyone has money for a scanner for me, I'll love you forever for it! And I am well aware that most of my friends are guys. Well, that's partially due to the fact that SOME PEOPLE are making obscene gestures such as the MACARENA in their pictures, and others took their websites down so I can't download thier picture! *sigh* Well, I promise that I will get some more pictures for your viewing and laughing pleasure! The pic of me is on my Me page
