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Curvature's Home Page


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The Weather in Hell

Hello! Welcome to my page! Well I'm not great at this home page thing so give me time to put some cool stuff on it.

  • For My Dad, I love you!

  • Want to find out about me?

    If any poets out there want to have their work read send it to my email address and I will start to put them up. You can leave you name if you want or not. And you may also leave you home page and I will put it up so they can learn more about you!
  • Check out some HERE!

  • Poetry links

  • Look at some great pages!
  • Links!

    Uncle Hyman
    Some words from the uncle.

    Listen to some wavs!

    Sorry all the Midis are gone. If there is one you wanted let me know.

  • Wavs!

  • See how smart you are!!

  • Ode to the New York Rangers

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    Let me leave you with something to think about: "Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will not have, nor deserve, either one."- Thomas Jefferson.

    I'd like to thank Balbaroy for all his help!
