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Ashish R. Mishra

412 E, 73rd Street, Apt 3-C
New York, NY - 10021

Home: (212) 879 3007

Ashish Mishra is a senior Software consultant with over eight years of experience with the primary focus on design, development, QA standards, security and re-engineering of the enterprise-wide applications. Ashish has expertise in the domain of Banking and Finance related technical projects. Ashish also has expertise in the field of network security, Intranet configuration and three tier RDBMS data exchange products such as Websphere and Notrix. Besides Lotus Notes, Ashish has considerable experience with web development, Visual Basic, Java, Java Script, Oracle, MS SQL, Sybase, FoxPro, C and C++.


M.S. (Computer Science)
Major Computer Communication
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ (USA)

PG Certificate in Business Management
City University of New York (USA)

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science & Engineering)
J.N. Engineering College (India)


Successfully completed fourteen critical and time sensitive projects while working for five years with one of the largest bank of the World, was featured in the bank's Headline News Magazine four times regarding the projects.

Currently involved with merger related re-engineering projects and developing the Inquiry Tracking application using Domino and Versata for the European segment of the bank, other than supporting and maintaining the existing global application.

Wholesale Banking
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Business Requirements analysis,
2000: 9 months

Conducted requirement analysis, feasibility study of Employee Poll Survey project for the Global Services division of the wholesale banking. Later designed the formal specifications and successfully carried out the global deployment including scheduled replication among the database servers. The main purpose behind this project was to survey the employees globally regarding their feedback for the stipulated questions and thus providing a high level barometer for overall progress of the enterprise. The results are published electronically in on-line newsletter and on Intranet site.

This implementation proved to cut the survey cost by 45 percent and improve the response time by 62 percent over the previously used system as per the results in the first quarter. This awarding result was mainly due to simplified User Interface and the smooth transition from the earlier used system.

Technologies used were JavaScript, HTML, XML, Domino Server, LotusScript, Windows NT, Lotus Notes R5, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer. Lead the team of 4 Lotus Notes Domino programmers.

Global Investment Banking
Chase Manhattan Bank
IS resource optimization
IS review
1999/2000: 13 months

Modeled and conceptualized Account Aggregation web site for the customers of the Structured Finance Services group. This is part of the bank's main corporate web site. Performed method-based analysis for domain understanding and viewpoint structuring. Worked with the outsourced Graphics Designers to make the web site look seamless when incorporated within the corporate web site. The Customers use web site to register and manage their online portfolio. The application has features for the users such as to add/remove deals from the personal portfolios, update their profiles and password, perform different searches for deals.

Based upon success of this system bank decided to implement account aggregation web sites for the customers of other departments of the bank in June 2000.

Technologies used were Lotus Notes R5, Domino Server, JavaScript, HTML, XML, LotusScript, Windows NT. Lead the team of 2 Web programmers.

Treasury Services & Securities
Chase Manhattan Bank
1998/99: 8 months

Prepared the plan for optimization and upgrade of the Data exchange project between Lotus Notes and Legacy systems integrating three-tier database system. Emphasized on the data centralization and published a logical data model. Implemented the Notes data exchange product Notrix to set up the jobs to run as scheduled Notes server tasks. The upper management used the system to view the revenue/expenses and profitability for various allocations. Currently involved in the revamping of the project by using Websphere for providing web-based access to the information.

Technologies used were Lotus Notes, Power Builder, Microsoft SQL server, Sybase, Websphere, Windows NT and Notrix. Lead a team of 2 Lotus Notes and 1 RDBMS programmer.

Capital Market
Chase Manhattan Bank
1998: 11 months

Designed the architecture of the GTA-PF (Global Trust Access - Project Finance) application to let the customer enter Disbursements and Payments for their security fund transaction. The customers were mainly from Latin America and South Asia. 128-bit encryption was used to enforce the security on the data since it was transmitted globally via modem between the dial-in servers and customer machines. The account officers at the head office approve the entries made and then they are released using cashbooks to the VAX system.

Technologies used were Windows NT, Sybase, Lotus Notes, Lotus Script. Lead the team of 2 Lotus Notes and 1 Sybase programmer.

Private Investment Banking
Chase Manhattan Bank
Designing, Implementation
1996/1997: 8 months

Conceptualized, designed, implemented the Equity Baseline system for a leading financial institution on Wall Street to transform the input from a DOS-based application to multi-user GUI based application. The application was for real-time stock prices and other investment information and was available to only a few managers in the bank. The new system provided users with a GUI based Notes front end to the application and a forum for discussion with online shared data. The usage count went up by 350% while using the existing infrastructure thus saving the bank $115,000 avoiding more licenses for the used application.

The data from application server was imported to Notes using the Notes ODBC classes in lotus script. Other technology used were Lotus Notes, Windows ODBC, LotusScript. Handled the project individually.

Law Firm
Litigateway Inc
Feasibility study
1997: 2 months

Designed and integrated Customer-Tracking module for the Intranet of a leading Litigation firm of New York. Executed algorithmic cost estimation for the module and defined integration and acceptance test plans.

Technologies used were JavaScript, HTML, XML, LotusScript, Lotus Notes. Lead the team of 2 Internet programmers.

Insurance and Securities
Prudential Insurance
1997: 5 months

Implemented Employee Self Service System for a leading insurance company of the world. The major objective was to interface the pre-existing DB2 databases with the Lotus Notes system. Designed the user interface and the flow of the application in such a way to emulate the DB2 application and at the same time exploit the data sharing advantages of Lotus Notes. The Notes Application was designed to be "web ready" for easy porting of the application on to the Domino server.

Notrix was used as the data exchange tool between Notes and DB2 using SQL and REXX programs. Technologies used were Windows NT, Lotus Notes, LotusScript, Notrix and Domino Server.

IT Services (GroupWare)
1996: 8months

Conducted configuration management for upgrade of Lotus Notes version for one of the top IT Company of the world. Played a key role in setting up a consistent scheme for version identification and group mail migration. The task was challenging provided the fact that the databases were on heterogeneous platforms viz. OS/2, AIX, NT. Part of the 3-member configuration management team.

Computer Retail Business
Tangerine Infotech
1994/1995: 22 months

Executed several in-house projects to establish a Virtual paperless office for India's leading company in retail Computer shops. Integrated and implemented Lotus Notes network to provide global connectivity between regional offices and the head office as well as with dealer, sub dealers network. Human Resources Management System, Help-Desk and User Support System were some of the other system designed and developed during this time.

Placement Agency
Stellar Technologies
1997: 1 month

Consolidated project-staffing procedure project for a leading Computer Consulting firm in New Jersey. Devised electronic programming aptitude tests and psychometric tests to provide the screening for the aptitude and suitability.




Oracle, Sybase, SQL server, PowerBuilder, Lotus Notes, Domino, Websphere, TCP/IP, SNMP, CMIP, Notrix, ReplicAction, DbArtisan, FoxPro, Notes Reporter, MS Project, PVCS, Ives Team Studio.


JavaScript, XML, HTML, LotusScript, Notes formula language, Visual Basic, PL SQL, Java, C, C++, Unix Shell Script, Assembly Language.

Operating Systems:

Windows NT, Windows 98, OS/2, UNIX, AIX, Linux, MS DOS, NOVELL, MS WINDOW.



Active member of The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) since past 3 years

Member of the SANS (System Administration, Networking, and Security) Institute

Part of the activity group of Network of Indian Professional - NY Chapter