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age: 2 years
Color: white and tabby semi-long hair
home: w/Angel and me

Rose was the last born. She was born feet first and was not breathing. We thought she was dead, but then when Angel cleaned her she started to move. When she was first born we called her Whiskers, but it was changed to Rose when we found out she was a girl. When she was born she was a runt. She was small was hair that aways looked wet. Her hair was different hten her brothers and sister with fuzzy hair. When the other kittens were sleeping Rose aways was nursing. She had black and white hair that wasn't fluffy nad was different which made her look like a ugly runt. Now she's the prettiest. A week after she was born(March 27) we could tell she had a tabby marking on her head. It wasn't until a month later we noticed she had tabby on all the black. Rose just got spayed about 5 days ago when we were on vacation.

If you have any questions or comments on this page then send them to me and I'll add them to the list.
