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All About Angel


We found Angel when she was about 3 months old. She was in the grass and the lawn mower about ran her over. At first my neighbor and I thought it was Tiger. The next day she came back up to the house. She remained without a name for about a week. Then we started to call her Angel.
Angel really didn't get into as much trouble as Bootz aways did. Even though one time a car stopped at the stop sign, and Angel jumped into the car wheel. We ran over and stopped the car to get Angel out. She was lucky the car had stopped.
We found out Angel was pregant at the end of January. It was March 20, 1998. Sofa(Bootz), then Squealer,Baby, and 2 hours later Rose.
Angel took it hard when we gave away Baby. After he died it seemed like she knew. She acted like she wouldn't let us give away Squealer. I was gone when my mom gave away Squealer. Angel still cries for Baby and Squealer.
We had to keep Rose and Bootz or Angel would probably run away. Bootz got his rabies shot on july 27, 1998. Rose got hers at the same time.

If you have any questions or comments about Angel e-mail them to me and I'll add them to my questions or comments page.
