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Astrological Insights - Your Soul's Path

An Astrological Journey

Places of Inspiration

Angelic Inspirations
Personality Archetypes
Carole's Incredible Insights
The Story of the Zodiac
Spiritual Mosaic
Fairy of the Flowers
Where you born on a Cusp?
The Study of Retrograde
The Planets and Astrology
The 12 Signs
Mystic Gardens

Dear StarGazers,

When I was a child, I would frequently look up to the stars....and the moon...and whatever was beyond....and I instinctually knew that they had a power...that something magical and mystical was happening up there, behind the scenes if you will. And like most children, I would look up to the sky and choose my very favorite star...whichever was the brightest or clearest or...well...whichever one looked *just* right... and then I would recite that cute little children's rhyme which goes something like this....

Star light,
Star bright,
First Star I see tonight...
I wish I may,
I wish I might,
Wish this wish on thee tonight....

Then I'd hope and pray, that whatever it was I wished for would come true......little did I understand back then that when you focus on something you truly desire, you can *almost* make it happen :-) I still look up to the stars....and the moon....and beyond....but now I know that I can focus on what I truly desire....and I *can* make it happen too.

Perhaps you will share some of your own stories with I will with you...

This page is under construction so please bear with me for the next few weeks.

Remember.....follow your heart.....and trust your instincts...
When there is love in your heart, there is light.....

It always amazes me how certain people can enter our lives just when you need some kind of guidance....or encouragement....or someone to show you the way: to to see the light, if you will. There have been many such people who have touched my life through the years and more so in recent months. It is no coincidence who we meet on this journey called *life*. Everything happens for a reason...usually unbeknownst to us at the time.

A couple of months ago I received an e-mail from a person I had not received mail from before. This is not unusual in and of itself, as you know, we are inundated by e-mail of various nature. But this particular e-mail was from a man who writes essays for a Forum, the topics of which fascinated me. There was one in particular which I really liked. I asked his permission to reprint it here for you. It does not have a title...but the subject is about Passion. So I will entitle it Passion....


I think in order to approach a subject such as passion we should first take into account how it is viewed, the legend of it if you will. In doing so I will use some common analogies. In this attempt I will call upon passion's much debatable foe, love, for comparison. An often used analogy pertaining to love is the lighting of a candle for one's love for another and basking in it's glow, the glow of love, on the outside looking in. Passion on the other hand is likened to that of a fire, a burning that consumes and the intensity of which is not controlled, unlike that of a burning candle. Passion's glow is created by the actual burning of the self, of one's soul. This burning is then conveyed in various manners.

A few ways that come to mind are that of the arts, writing, composing and performing music, and painting. Though each may be considered not like the other the origin is the same. In each a message is delivered, whether happy or sad. In music some musicians simply play notes where as others feel them and tell you their story, a writer with words and an artist with his paints, the message is sent, they are interpreters of feeling not just performers, their passion won't settle for that. An old saying states that in order to play the blues you have to have them, once again, feel not just play, if not passionately then it will lack.

We can all feel but most do not feel to their capacities. Opinions of others and social conformity hinder the majority in the pursuit of their passion, some don't pursue at all, fearing the passion, knowing that it has a blatant disregard for all. Passion once accepted and it's power harnessed can become an invaluable ally, in all it's conflagration and ferocity it is quite capable of delivering one from mediocrity. It is not just whole heartedly believing or doing it is the fire that burns deep down, that of the soul. Long after the heart is dead, gone and laid to rest the soul is said to remain. The passion remains as well providing feeling to all that soul had created. The passionate don't just do it but they feel it and they are not just existing but are actually alive. How many of us can say that?
Copyright 1998 Roman Griffen
