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*~Angel's Cloud of Verse~*

I got the permission I was seeking to us the li'l kissing angel graphic. She will reside on Kristy's page. This castle and all the castle graphics were made special for me, by Sharon, Mamadayski's Quilts and StuffThank you Sharon!

My original page was through AOL, I created Kristy's pages there and was devestated when they were lost. I have a very special friend(angel) to thank, for teaching me HTML and for seeing me through and guiding me in creating my page. Without her these pages would never have been created..or at least not such a grand scale. Thank you Jackie, for the help with the page and support you gave me in everything else. Tismyangel's Homepage *hugs*

If you see ANYTHING on my pages and know the ownership or that it is copywritten PLEASE let me know, so I can remove it, or give the credit. THANK YOU and ENJOY!

It was nice of you to all join me. I suppose you all want to know WHO I AM!?!?! Well I'm Angel O'Verse, although I do go by many names, Anglcgnto(my AOL name, as well as e-mail address

This is my first webpage that I've made on my own, I will constantly be updating it and I would love to hear suggestions! Please enjoy your stay on my cloud. Flutter around, look around, and submit your work to me!

Most likely you've figured out that I'm a POET, hence the name Angel O'Verse *smiles* Writing is my passion as you will see.

My Angelic Pages:

Angel's Poetry Palace

My Fantasy writing at ELFWOOD

Angel's Quote of the Day

My Illness(CFIDS/FMS)

Meet a REAL Angel, my li'l cousin Kristy

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

E-mail me, by clicking on the li'l mailbox:


My Favorite Links

Meet my bestfriend Breezy and read her awesome POETRY!
Sark-Awesome inspirational writer!!!!
Dear Cindy-she gives great advice and is a sweet person!
Awesome chatplace, everyone/anyone welcome
Chicken Soup for the Soul-need uplifting and fun, tears and joys?
Inspiration for Dreamers
It's FUN! ;)
Angel's Stardust CyberCards-WONDERFUL cards for ALL occasions--check them out!
GREAT quotes, unended selection
Another awesome chat place