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More of ABarnabas' Dark Shadows WAVs (under construction)

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Barnabas WAVs

barnab1.wav ...I have been looking everywhere for you and now I have found you
barnstep.wav ...and I have already taken some steps in that direction
choice.wav give me no chioce
get.wav ...I think you should know I always get what I go after
gypsy.wav is a gypsy
love.wav ...I love you very much
observation.wav" ...what an interesting observation
betray.wav have betrayed me
200yrs.wav ...I have not seen the light of day in 200 years
cousin.wav ...Barnabas Collins, a cousin from England
dr.wav ...what can I do for you Dr
love2.wav ...I will not have you speak of love here
lovely.wav look lovely
outof.wav ...Dr you are out of your mind
willy.wav ...Willie
willy2.wav ...Willie, Willie

Roger WAVs

busin.wav ...that is my business
caught.wav ...ah, caught in the act
orders.wav ...can't you take orders from anybody
brandy.wav ...can i offer you a brandy
hello.wav ...well if he has to stay here to say hello how long is it going to take him to say goodbye
tripping.wav ... I simply want to know what sort of person i am going to be tripping over in the hallway
barge.wave ...I am continually barging into rooms (then Jason says) yes there is nothing quite like the challenge of a closed door

Elizabeth WAVs

threaten.wav you intend to threaten me continually
please.wav ...Roger, please
games.wav ...don't play games I want to know what is going on
what2.wav ...what are you talking about
problem.wav ...I am not interested in your problems
indite.wav ...must you indite everyone
tired.wav ...I am beginning to feel tired

David WAVs

catch.wav ...if i catch this one Carolyn isn't dead
itisme.wav is incorrect to say its me even if it sounds funny you are supposed to say it is I
juggins.wav ...David does the juggins thingy

Maggie WAVs

dont.wav ...dont touch me Willie (then Willie says) whats a matter maggie you know you like it
drunk.wav ...are you drunk Willie
never.wav ...Willie i will never understand you
strange.wav ...Willie seems a little strange

Willie WAVs

willie2.wav ...ok Julia I will do what you say but I got to remember to do what you say
drunk2.wav ...I was kinda drunk I didnt know what I was talking about
riddle.wav ...Willie does the riddle thingie

Julia WAVs

juliatruth.wav ...I don't know the truth and I never have

Stokes WAVs

vampire.wav ...vampirism is not a disease, vampire are the living dead

Carolyn WAVs

what.wav ...what do you know Willie
roger.wav ...mother would you please translate Uncle Roger

Jason WAVs

whale.wav ...the dead whale, (then Maggie says) no the blue whale,(then Jason says) well it looked pretty dead to me
hypoc.wav ...well its hypocracy time at Collinwood

Angelique WAVs

because.wav ...because you love her
curse.wav didn't do the job well enough Barnabas, I am not dead yet

Nicholas WAVs

damnded.wav ...let the legions of the damnded solute you

Magda WAVs

hand.wav ...that hand is evil it is the hand of Count Petofi

Trask WAVs

dust.wav ...down on your knees down down into the dust

Other WAVs

curse1.wav ...the dream curse
dan.wav ...Dark Shadows is a Dan Curtis production
dsxmas.wav ...on behalf of our sponsors we would like to wish you a very happy holiday season
karlen.wav ...the part of Willie Loomis will be played by Jon Karlen
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