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4 CAREBEARS REVIVAL TOUR: We were never gone but we're better than ever!

Links of Sausage

The band erin is kind of associated with
the ramen noodle people, the band that made this site and the people who sent the recipes are our new best friends...go check it out
ELviS, our fave man (no, not OUR)
Kris's other page, go see if you are on the cool people list
Erin's other page, go see her thoughts on hell
PBS- best public channel there is - go artie!
Katy's page- its in the process of being made cool...go sign the guestbook she needs friends :-)


BAD NEWS EVERYONE- geri, aka ginger spice. has left the spice gurls, our fave band. em's really sad because it was her fave spice. help us in our time of need. ok, its been a while since she left but its still hard. to show your support go here a great spice girls site

THE PAGE IS NOW UNDER LOTS OF CONSTRUCTION. GO CHECK IT OUT VERY OFTEN. "Hello, we are the carebears. We're a special group of colorful, round, snuggly, little bears whose job it is to help you understand your own feelings and share them with others." that is actual text from sarah's carebear book- i got it when my baby brother was born 13 years ago. HI, we're four chicks from NJ. We care about bears. We have retarded friends. (you know who you are.) Anyway, now everyone gets to write their own ***NEW*** paragraph.

check out our new pictures page!!!!

i figured out how to edit. this page is crap.

YO YO YO!! Well, I'm at home, sick and bored, and I noticed that Sarah has recently changed her paragraph so I decided to copy her. I mean, after all, you all really do wanna know whats happening in my life, right? Yeah, that's what I thought. Anyway......Since the last time I wrote to all you lovely people, I had a birthday, which means that I am now driving. CLEAR THE ROADS EVERYBODY!!! Haha, I'm jsut teasing, I think I'm a good driver. Yeah, I have a blue subaru, it's umm....a reliable car..thats right. School is...ok, not good, not bad. Chemistry sucks total ass, yeah, a 45 average, I think that classifies as sucking ass, right? Oh yeah, I also finally got a job, I'm working at an animal hospital and assist the doctors and stuff. It's really interesting and I get to learn a lot about medicine and animal..etc..etc..OH, speaking of animals,how could I forget to mention my baby, Jewel. She's my new little puppy, shes so damn adorable. Although I must admit she is kind of a pain in the ass, but, I love her anyway. Also, I'm on a mission to become a G-bitch. Well, thats actually a lie, but it would be funny. I am PUFFY though, thats mad phat!! Sorry, don't mind me, I'm totallin insane, but thats why y'all like me! You know you love it. Well, I think I'm gonna motor on out of here, but you can e-mail me at, visit me at Planet Kris, or talk to me on aol as bisonrox or divagirlcb. Catch ya later!!-kris

Erin's NEWparagraph is comming soon to a theatre near the meantime, check out our new pictures fresh from the produce market that is winter state.

They call me dark evil bear.

so that's about it. have a nice life. and tell us all about it.

places to see, people to do

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If you really loved us, you would sign it Read what our fans have to say Guestbook by Guestworld

"Now that you know all of us, we hope that you'll have a special place for us in your heart, just like we do for you. With love from all of us, The Care Bears."

We would like to thank A Tale from the CareBears, A Sister for Sam. we also want to thank you, parker brothers and the wonderful author, Evelyn Mason. Also, the illustrator, Tom Cooke