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Fragment 1: some semblance of normality (must be able to find within one minute)

<font size=1><center> <a href="" target="_top" onMouseOver="window.status='Thus I live in the world rather as a spectator of mankind than as one of the species. Joseph Addison'; return true"><img src="" alt="the screwed up webring" border=0></a><br> [ <a href=";id=--id--;prev" target="_top" style="text-decoration:none" onMouseOver="window.status='last.'; return true">last</a> | <a href=";index" target="_top" style="text- decoration:none" onMouseOver="window.status='all.'; return true">all</a> | <a href=";random" target="_top" style="text- decoration:none" onMouseOver="window.status='random.'; return true">random</a> | <a href=";id=--id--;next" target="_top" style="text-decoration:none" onMouseOver="window.status='next.'; return true">next</a> ]


suw.jpg 80x80

suw2.jpg 80x80

suww.jpg 80x80

suw3.jpg 150x35

suw3w.jpg 150x35

Fragment 2: the minimalist approach (must be on index page)

<font size=3><center> <a href=";id=--id--;prev" target="_top" style="text-decoration:none" onMouseOver="window.status='last.'; return true"><</a> <a href="" target="_top" style="text-decoration:none" onMouseOver="window.status='Thus I live in the world rather as a spectator of mankind than as one of the species. Joseph Addison'; return true">screwed up</a> <a href=";id=--id--;next" target="_top" style="text-decoration:none" onMouseOver="window.status='next.'; return true">></a>

< screwed up >