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Stuff....perhaps...about me!! Mwa ha ha ha ha..

Hey...I'm Pat. I'm 19 I'M a small town teen with illusions of grandeur. My intelligence is clouded by insanity, and my genius borders on madness. My hobbies include Acting,drawing, writing, and of course roleplaying. I am from a small town in New Hampshire. I have four(yes four) sisters. I live with my parents. I consider myself an intelligent person, but unfortunately my skills far exceed my ambition and I acomplish very few of my goals. I will however be attending a college in January. now a little more about me....

Likes: Computers,good people,friends, and Porn(of course)
Dislikes: People who complain, bitches, loneliness, taxes.
Favorite thing to do: Sleep.....mmm...sleeep..and Roleplaying
Least Favorite thing to do:Work....spend any amount of time with family....
AIM Screeneame:FlyninPJH