rancid girlie likes to kick maximum ass
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rancid girlie likes to kick maximum ass

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Hey there kids...My name is Jenn, also known as Shirley, Lars, Larsy...I personally don't care. As you might already know, I can get a little-bit hyper. When I get in good moods, my life passions are Rancid, Sublime, Crass, partying, vodka, blow pops, roses, Skeet Ulrich, skater guys...I could go on forever- but I won't. I really hate reading chain letters and long homepage centers, so I'll let you kids bitch at me about it later. K? K! Rock on! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Ready to Mess Around Babes?

K, look at these first

This is my main passion in life
In memory of Bradley James Nowell
I wanna be just like this chikk
These guys are the bomb baby
My dream cars
These are my buddies pages
This is where I hang the most

Email: vodkagrrl@hotmail.com