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Marriages are Made in Heaven

But so are Thunder and Lightning

It has been a wonderful year for weddings so far. It is a great privilege to be of help to so many couples.
In the year 2011 I officiated at many wonderful weddings and hope that this next year will be as enjoyable.
I have received E-Mails from all over the country and overseas asking about my services. Most of them I just had to point in the right direction as the sites they had chosen for their weddings were too far away for me. Even though NH is a small state, it takes a while to get around in our hills and twisty roads.

I think I read somewhere that if New Hampshire were flat it would be as big as Texas.

I have had a few inquires about Non-religious Naming ceremonies for babies and coming of age ceremonies for young adults. I would be glad to work with you on these milestone events.


On a lighter note, but so true.

"To keep your marriage brimming
With love in the marriage cup,
Whenever you're wrong, admit it,
Whenever you're right, shut up. --Ogden Nash "

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Words for a Lasting Marriage

Fee Schedule

Tips For a Hassle Free Wedding