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Hi, This is Eddie, actually my real name is Ediz but as you can see it is hard to pronounce. Anyways, I am from Turkey but I have been studying in the U.S. I am almost 23 and this is my fifth year in College (1999), finally I became a senior in New Hampshire College. My page is under construction right now, please come back and visit again. Thanks for visiting my page at Angelfire, see yeah.

NOTE: Today is 20th of February and I will complete my military duty in a month. So that I will finally be able to develop my page.

My Favorite Web Sites

A cool link to Turkish jokes (Turkish required)
Turkish music (Turkish required)
You can start your research here :)

It is a picture taken in Turkey, Uludag which is a fun place to go for skiing
  • Me and my roommate Jeff
    I can't wait to go skiing with Jeff again.
    Jump Jump Jump Jump
    I can do better, hehehehe (I used to)

    Email: Eburla@hotmail.com