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Analyze Your Dream Right Here! I have put the most common dreams up, but more will be coming soon!
ACTORS: Dreaming about your favorite actor/actress means that you share or wish to share a common personality/physical trait with them.
AIRPLANES: Planes symbolize part of your lifes journey. They represent things that are now far in the past such as events that you dealt with a long time ago, which you're now starting to forget.
AMUSEMENT PARKS: You see your life as interesting, entertaining and as an adventure.
ATTIC: This symbolizes a confidence in yourself, or a growing confidence. You are accomplishing lots and living up to your dreams
BABIES: Dreaming of Babies mean a renewal or change in your life.
BLOOD: You are experiencing a difficult time in your life, where you are having trouble coping.
BOATS: You are preparing yourself for an inevitable emotional upset.
BURIAL: This symbolizes the ending of a 'stage' in your life, which isn't necessarily a bad thing!
CARS: Cars represent your attitudes towards life.
CAVE: Caves represent a longing for mystery and break away from the tedium of every day life.
CEMETARY: Dreaming of cemetaries mean you have unresolved grief, or are presently unhappy.
COFFINS: Coffins symbolize a lack of energy, and lack of motivation.
DANCING: A feeling of joy and happiness with your life
DEATH: Death implies the ending of one thing, and the beginning of another.
DESERT: Dreaming of Deserts mean you feel lonely and isolated
DROWNING: This means you are releasing your emotions, so you can make a fresh start.
EARTHQUAKE: This represents difficulties throughout life such as financial and emotional problems
ELEVATOR: Being in Elevators means you are bored of the 'mechanical' tedium of life
FALLING: Dreaming of Falling is very common and means you are feeling a sense of helplessness.
FIRE: Fire represents fear and anger
FLYING: You have a desire to break free from the constraints and limitations of your society
FUNERALS: Dreaming of funerals suggest emotional
turmoil. GHOSTS: Ghosts represent part of your life, or something in your life that you don't understand, and are trying to make sense of.
GRAVES: You are feeling depressed and a lack of self identity
HOLES: You feel there is improvement to be made in your life
INTRUDER: Dreaming about intruders into your home mean you are feeling guilty about something
ISLANDS: If you dream that you are stranded on an Island, you are feeling loneliness in your life.
JAIL: Jail means you are feeling trapped emotionally
JUNGLE: You are feeling anxiety about a current
situation KISSING: You are happy with your life
LIGHTNING: Something has come as a shock for you.
LOVE: You feel a sense of acceptance and belonging in life.
MAZE: Dreaming of mazes means you are confused and unsure.
MONSTER: Monsters represent your own negative characteristics.
OCEAN: You are trying to deal with the past
OLD PEOPLE: You are feeling mature and wise
POLICE: Dreaming of Police means you feel guilt.
QUICKSAND: You feel an inability to get out of a situation in your daily life.
RACE: Dreaming of Racing means you have to slow down in your every day life
ROLLERCOASTER: You need to achieve a greater emotional balance
RUNNING: You need to make changes in your life
SCHOOL: Dreaming of School means you are lacking in self confidence
SHOPPING: You know exactly where you are headed in life
SWIMMING: You are having dificulty 'navigating' yourself through life, and finding your direction.
TUNNEL: You are attempting to understand your life.
VAMPIRE: Dreaming of Vampires symbolizes anxiety over moral and social issues. WEDDING: You are growing in self-awareness and confidence
ZOMBIES: You feel disconnected from the world around you.
I hope this was helpful!!! =)