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.....from the developing of the fetus, you gotta believe us/that the only CREATOR is our Lord Christ Jesus/..

June 17, 2004
Random thoughts I have been having.....
Are we ready for what is to occur in the near future? With no end of war in sight of the near future, are we prepared emotionally and spiritually to handle the inevitable chances of loss in our lives. Financially, we could become in such a situation as we were in the early 1930's. Bombing after bombing leaves yet another loved one either injured or dead. Flu's and common colds are being harder to treat. New and more powerful drugs are having to be created to combat the resistance of today's viruses and bacteria. Treatment drugs that had been useful in the past, are now beginning to be of no use. What are we going to do when we backed up against the wall? Who are we going to turn to when we reach the peak of our loss? Are we going to leave God on the sideline of our lives, while we gasp and squirm for relief? Or are we going to take Him on His Word by submitting to His promises of peace and contentment even in the midst of calamity and disaster./

Let me know what ya think....I'd love to hear from ya! Shalom

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