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Meow! Welcome!

The four of us have
gotten together to make
this joint entrance page.
Each of us has
our own personal page
that we hope you visit.
The pages are all different
since we each are all unique.

We also have a great
photo shoot for you to see.
We have put a
link to Mom's home page
for your convenience.

If Mom will let us
use the keyboard
we are also hoping
to make cat care pages.

Mom says we leave
fur on the keyboard and
our claws scratch the keys.
We'll have to be very careful
so this will take time.

Now on to the pages

Just click on a button
and have fun.

I'm the senior member
of the cat house.

I'm the biggest
The protector of our home.

I'm The scholar
of the family.

I'm the baby
And very creative.

Dont forget the Photo's
See us all
Mom's nature photos also.

We won an Award!

'Purrfect Site' Award

We hope you enjoyed
our pages
If you did please
vote for us here

Here's Mom's home
Check it out it's fun
and we helped make it.

Directory of Cat Websites
& Tons of FREE Cat Stuff!