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Shannon's Treasures. Fine Satins, Mini Lops and Mini rex rabbits. A division of Shanahan's Ranch located in New Hampshire.

My name is Shannon Chase, welcome to my rabbitry site!
I am a member of the American Rabbit Breeders' Association, the National Satin Club and Northeast Mini Lop Club.
I usually have stock available as show specimens and pets in Mini Lops, Mini Rex and Satins.
You can find me located at SHANAHAN'S RANCH where my rabbits are housed.

SHANNON has moved all her rabbits to her own place and no longer houses them here at Shanahan's Ranch.

If you have any questions or comments please direct them to: Shanahan's Ranch for a quick and knowledgable reply.

Shannon's Swirl
This is Shannon's Swirl a beautiful broken opal Mini Rex with very nice type.
Shannon's Little Jackal. A promising broken black Mini Lop who shows great potential for the show circuit.
Shannon's Little Jackal
Shannon's Tiny
Meet Shannon's Tiny. A beautiful broken chinchilla Satin. Registered, Grand Champion with 5 cerificates of legs earned.

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